Reports 2005


Memorial race from Würzburg to Gemünden, Germany

60 years ago, dated on 03/16/1945 Würzburg was bombed and completely destroyed. At this night the people flew out of Würzburg. The most of them flew to Gemünden on the River Main, which is 27.7 Miles (44.5 km) away. To remember this dark event of history there is a race. The Memorial race from Würzburg to Gemünden, which is organised since eleven years by the DAHW, starts at the Saturday which is next to the 03/16. The entry fee is based on a free gift of money. The whole event is a benefit event.

More than 1000 people were pre entered and a lot entered at the day of the race. Even than, there were only about 1000 at the start line. The bad weather conditions were the reason. It should be soft temperatures with strong wind, snow and rain. But the reality was different. 41F (5°C) a little bit windy and some Graupel. Not to bad! And some times there was some sun at the heaven, which gave the whole event a really idyllic flavo.

Long before 11am the runners arrived at Vier-Röhren-Brunnen in front of the city hall. After the runners entered they flew to the stores around the place, to stay at a warm place. Shortly before 11am the runners grouped at the starting line at the bottom of the Apostelbrigde. At 11am there was the start. About 20 pace maker took care, that all people stayed together at the first kilometre. This kilometre which ended at the bridge of peace should symbolise the big group of people which flew at the night of bombarding. After this kilometre the field of runners stretched extremely. The first aid station was at kilometre 9 ( 5.6 Miles). Now there were aid stations all 5-7 kilometres ( 3 – 4 Miles). At the bridge of peace the runners entered the bicycle way, which is at the right side of the river Main (with the flow of the river). We stayed at the bicycle way till Karlstadt. Now we crossed the river and entered the city at the historic arch. After the arch we ran to the market place. There was the big aid station at 17.4 Miles (kilometre 28).  At this point there was the finish for the small distance. People could take the shuttle bus to Gemünden. Also it was possible to stop at every other aid station. The race character is still very low, because it is a memorial event. New were the markings after every kilometre. But you should not take them very serious, because the distance between each marking was taken very different. But back to the race. After the brigde of peace a few runners passed us and thanked for the pacing. Sergej, Gerald, and I were running all the time together. Gerald won the race the last three years. Before Karlstadt there were only two runners left, which passed us at the beginning. At the beginning of the race we thought, that they just ran the 28 kilometres, but we were wrong. When we passed them shortly before Karlstadt they did not speed up. So we knew, that he would run further than Karlstadt.

The main pointer was, that we just passed him without any resistance. Maybe he thought we were speeding up for the final spurt. Already before Karlstadt Gerald signalized that he would stop in Karlstadt, because of his injury. But at the bridge he changed his mind and told us, that he would slow down and ran to Gemünden. No sooner said than done! After Karlstadt Sergej and I continued running together. But already some kilometres after Karlstadt the top changed again! Against I continued my speed, Sergej got into a deep. He was falling behind a huge piece within a few kilometres. A bit disappointed I continued my speed. This should be enough to finish at first place without big effort. When I entered at Gemünden, at the mouth of the river Fränkischen Saale into the river Main, the bells started to ring. There was the thought that they just ring to remember, what happened sixty years ago. But unfortunately it was not like this. It was just because of the full hour. But who cares! The idea it could be, is enough! Shortly after three hours I passed the finishing line at the primary and secondary school. Second was Sergej, which has to fight in the end for his place.

After the race we sit together with bear and coffee. Like every year. Because traditional the LG Würzburg was not only one of the biggest groups also it was the group with the most top rankings.


Men:   Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 3:02:08 1 Hildebrand Carmen 3:34:17
2 Saez Sergej 3:07:17   Wagner Constanze  
3 Bosch Ulf 3:07:25 3 Hochstein Gerlinde 3:46:56

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