Reports 2005


Franconian/Bavarian Championship Marathon at Würzburg, Germany

Today was the day. The day of the Marathon at the homecity of my running club. But it should not be just a Marathon. It was also the Championships. The big challenger were from LG Haßberg. They had already shown their interest in the Championship of the best group. So we had to give them a real rival. Before the race we already knew the three runners of our group – Ulf Sengenberger, Uli Böhm and I. Ulf also was attending to win the Championship of the single runner.

Sunday morning all runners of the LG met at the stand on the marathon fair. The best location to store the baggage. So nobody had to walk back to the car after the race. He was able to go direct way to the showers. After we picked up our start numbers, got some last preparations we walked to the starting line. There were some changes against two years ago. The start was still at the same place, but the finishing line was in a tent with a light show next to river Main. They have starting blocks now, too. So the course changed a bit. The course runs more through the city of Würzburg. What happens, that there are more cheering people. More? Not really! Against two years ago the weather is worse. Two years ago it was around 68F and sunny. At this time the Marathon was in May instead April. And the weather was typical for April. It has got 57-61F (14-16°C) and is cloudy. There are some raindrops from time to time.

But still, the cheering people of Würzburg were great. There are different bands belong the course, which played music.

The trend of the race was quiet easy. From beginning on there was the “expected” groups of runners and some Kenyans which ran in the front. Although they tried to run a new course record, it was not possible today. At all the finishing times of the runners were not as good as two years ago.  Especially the runners I know were not as fast and far away of their best times. I was grouped at the people of “Not a good time”, too. Although I was running a 2:42 time at the beginning of the year, I did not have the mental stringiness and the passion I needed. But in the end, we were lucky to get the first place with the group. Overall the runners of Würzburg were presented a lot at the first places. Although there were two other groups, LG Haßberg and LC Bayer, which presented themselves very good. In the end we get home after the ceremony very late. The price being on the top. Finishing early, and getting away of the ceremony late!

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Sang Eliah 2:20:45 1 Nevkapsa Olga 2:38:42
2 Gebremeskel Kidus 2:20:55 2 Heinold Esther 2:57:39
3 Meinecke Thomas 2:28:41 3 Härtl Anke 3:46:56
18 Koch Rainer 2:46:14  

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