Reports 2006


Bärenfels Christmasmarathon at Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany


Christmas day - most of the people will take time for their family and for reflection. 55 runners used this day to run a marathon. The Feller Team made it possible. They organised for their first holyday run a marathon. There were five loops, each 8.5km to run. Also there was an additional start- and finishing part, to complete the whole distance.  The course was similar to the summer event. But this time it was only through the woods. At the beginning of each loop there was a 2.5 km retour part. At the end of it there was the aid station. The first 3 km was constant uphill until the bottom of the Bärenrock. From here on the course was downhill, until the turn around point.

The god of weather was in a good mood. At 8am at the start signal the temperatures were around the freezing point.  The longer we ran, the more the sun came out and the warmer it became. The main run – 8.5 km - was at 10am with about 200 runners starting. At the retour part it was a scramble to get through them.

The award ceremony was held at the end in the cinema. There everyone received his "christmas presents", with a little delay.


Men:   Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 2:58:45 1 Alter Julia 3:27:29
2 Krempchen Markus 3:11:52 2 Strohe Anja 3:39:45
3 Demmer Harald 3:12:02 3 Hildebrand Carmen 3:46:24

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