Reports 2007

Bärenfels-Holy-Eve-Marathon in Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

The 24th of December alot of people are trying to get the last Christmas presents. We, as runners, made ourself a present – running a Marathon. The Feller family organized for the second time the Bärenfels-Holy-Eve-Marathon. Besides the marathon, there was also a 8.5km course and a 800m children course.

The marathoners had to run a loop five times to get their miles. There were two aid stations per loop. Against the race in summer, the Bärenfelsmarathon / - ultramarathon, the course was flat. Because of the time of the year this made sense. There is always the possibility that there is bad weather. We were lucky. It was chilly, but dry. Actually it was nice weather for this time of the year. The race started at 8am in front of the underpass at the main road. Similar the year before it was a small group of people. The 8.5km started later. Shortly before I started my last loop.

The showers where placed at the community centre about 3km away and the award ceremony at the cinema next to the race.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Koch Rainer 3:12:39 1 Frey Dorothea 3:27:30
2 Muntenasu Petru 3:16:28 2 Hildebrand Carmen 3:42:22
3 Gumbrecht Alwin 3:28:39 3 Marton Petra 3:52:03

Results of the organisation