Reports 2007


52km Ehrenberg-Challenge in Reutte, Austria

It was a weekend with plenty of races. Dietmar Beiderbeck, Didi and I choose the Ehrenberg-Challenge in Reutte. Didi asked to guide him, because he is blind. After long time of planning we rent a car and drove to Austria on Sunday morning. When we arrived the start gate was already built up. The Start and Finish were two kilometres apart. The Start was at Sparkasse in Reutte, which was one of the main sponsors. The Finish was at the Ehrenberg hermitage, which is located on the bottom of the ruin Ehrenberg. It was a sunny October day and we were able to enjoy the views of the beautiful landscape. The aid stations were placed approximately all 5km. There were isotonic drinks, water and coke. But there was no coke served for the first 20km. Also there was food, pieces of bananas, power bar and apples. At the finish area there was a lot of stuff served for the arrived runners. There was a shuttle, which brought the runners back to the starting area.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Barz Michael 3:36:02 1 Gross Annemarie 4:27:59
2 Dippacher Matthias 3:43:42 2 Schiffer Magdalene 4:31:24
3 Werner Mark 3:45:42 3 Kraus Sabine 4:38:37
50 Koch Rainer 6:50:29  

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