Reports 2008

Marathon in Mannheim (German Championship of Universities), Germany

Against the Rennsteiglauf of last week, which started at 6am, the MLP marathon was starting at the evening shortly after 6pm. So it was possible to leave Saturday noon at home and still have plenty of time to look around at the marathon fair. But actually there was not a lot to see. In contrast to other city marathons the fair was really small. When I arrived in Mannheim it had already a big humidity. And it did not get better during the evening. On the other hand, it not did get worse as well. Because of the clouds it was warm for a very long time. So it was possible to wear light close the whole evening.

Ten past six about 2000 runners started at the water tower. Besides the ranking of the organisation there was also different extra rankings. Also German championship of University on the marathon distance. I started the first time at such a championship.

And? Getting exited? Well, actually not, because of the experience of other championships. And in the end there is only one important thing – to run the own race! That was also important, because the marathon teams also started with us marathon runners. So it was peoples own fault, if they was getting adicted to that speed. The chances where big, that they was getting "shipwreked". As usual in shortly after the start of the races there was getting some groups of four to six runners together. The group I belong to was splitting up quiet early. After about ten kilometers only one runner and I where left. It did not take a long time and we started to talk a bit about planed finishing times, best times, etc. We got to the conclution to stay together and paceing each other. Something which is getting more and more "usual" at longer races. The best will win in the end anyway.

The course was like an eight. After the first loop in the city of Mannheim we passed again the starting area and went over the bridge to Ludwigshafen. There was the second half of the marathon. While we was getting to a finel time of about 2:42, when we passed the first half, we had to slow down on the second half. When we came back over the bridge, my companion slowed down. He was more trained on flat courses. Even you saw the finish after 41 kilometers, there was another loop to run. I think that was a stupid loop and most of the runners will get into mental problems because of it. Not only that it was more senseful to place it somewhere else. Also there was almost no spectacular at that area. On the rest of the course there was plenty of "fans". How you are used at city marathons.

At the finishing area it was quiet hectic. There was an own area, where runnners had the chance to get some stuff to strenght themselves, but it was outside of the spectacle. Also it was hard to get around, because of all the barriers. I think exspecially this area could be changed to a better way. Also the last two kilometers, as well as the drinks and foods at the aid stations. There was plenty of stuff, no question. But it makes sence to give away the broadcasted things of the flyer. Otherwise it makes no sense to make an extra flyer. There where plenty of water stations between the aid stations, which was quiet good, exspesially at such a weather. In conclution it was a nice marathon. Still nothing in comparation to a race at the nature.

Finished in Mannheim my next way was by train to meet a running college. I spendet the night at his house and at the following day we went together to the Trollinger-Marathon in Heilbronn. But this is another story and will be written at another page.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Toek Silas 2:10:40 1 Nkambi Polly 3:12:41
2 Kibet Sammy 2:11:49 2 Davina Klara 3:17:31
3 Nekatibebe Teleste 2:12:00 3 Guzman Sanabria Gabriela 3:22:09
30 Koch Rainer 2:58:06

Results of the organisation
Results German championships University
Homepage of the organisation
Information about the course