Reports 2008

50km German championship in Marburg, Germany

At 7am we left Würzburg from the Dallenbergbad in the direction of Marburg. As often before, there was an organized German Championship 50km run. When we left in Würzburg it rained a little bit. One and a half hours later, we arrived in Marburg. When we got out from the car the sun was shining. But also here it had rained before, because the streets were still wet. Not even five minutes later the rest of our running club arrived. Picked up the start numbers, had a coffee, back to the car to get ready for the race and there it was - the start.

Against the last championships, which were organized there, the course had not changed. There were five loops each 10k to run. There was an aid station at the start- and finishing area and two more at kilometer four and seven. Primarily the course was flat. Only two light uphills to cross a bridge. There was also a half-marathon and a marathon course starting at the same time. So some runners had problems to find their competitors.

We were lucky, because of the weather. Mainly it was cloudy and windy, but there was no rain. Because of that, the award ceremony was placed outside. Also there were the usual delays and complications, like in previous years. Maybe it was because of the new measuring system, which had the chip placed backside of the start number.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Hasslinger Johannes 3:14:55 1 Frey Dorothea 3:43:18
2 Kersten Sven 3:17:10 2 Krause Antje 4:06:39
3 Rauter Ronald 3:20:05 3 Benning Nicole 4:09:06
10 Koch Rainer 3:27:24

Results of the organisation
Report of the DUV 01/08