Reports 2009

Bärenfels-Holy-Eve-Marathon in Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

At eight o’clock it was time to start the 8.Bärenfels-Holy-Eve-Race (4.Holy-Eve-Marathon). Against last year there were less people at the start. Maybe the reason was the weather or the weather broadcast. The days before the race there was snow and the temperatures were around the freezing point. The rain and the black ice which were broadcasted fulfilled all of it. So not the best weather for running! Especially at the short distances there were less people. So it was no surprise that most people at the Marathon were Ultrarunners. There was no way to alienate them. The course was as the last years. Because of the approximately 200m altitudes there was more mud and less snow in the valley, but it was also warmer. At the rock of the bear it was cool and it had snow. Actually there is not much to say about the race itself. Frank Hardenack was leading from beginning on. Behind him was Marco Gabriel, who had to slow down at in the third loop. In the end everybody met at the cinema. The award ceremony started there at two o’clock in the cinema.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Hardenack Frank 3:14:32 1 Benning Nic ole 4:05:22
2 Koch Rainer 3:21:36 2 Hochblenert Angela 4:31:38
3 Leyendecker Rainer 3:28:21 3 Johann Annette 4:42:12

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