Reports 2010

German chapmionship Cross- & countryside running in Fröttstädt, Germany

On Friday afternoon we went together (Christoph Hoffmann, Theo Biber, Udo Wegmann, Georg Braungart and me) from Würzburg towards Fröttstädt. Even though there was a soccer game at the same time it was busy on the road. When we arrived in Fröttstädt a kind of ritual took place, picking up the race number, taking part at the pasta party and go towards the accommodation after that. We just finished eating, when our sixth club member Gerald Lehrieder arrived. When he had finished the pasta party we went towards our accommodation. Even though Gerald had another accommodation he joined us, so we had dinner all together. The last one of our group, Matthias Schmitt was arriving on the day of the race.

The following morning we went first to Fröttstädt to take a bus to km 25 of the course. The reason was, that the championship had 75km. So there has to be 25km saved compared to the original 100km of the Thuringia Ultra. Well, because of the low amount of participants one bus was enough. The amount of participants was different as they thought, when they had planned the championship at the short distance. But back to the course. Not only did the Championship run save 25km, almost all of the the big first uphill was avoided. We just arrived at the starting point, when the first 100km runner passed the point as well. Then also the second passed. It took about 20km (until km 45 for the 100km) until we had passed both of them. Already at the start a group of five tried to take the top. We as a group of three from the LG (our running club) followed them. After 15km the group started to split up. After 30km Thomas Braukmann took the top and held it until the end. From that point on, I followed him. To stay in viewing distance was not a big problem, until I had to wait again at the aid station to get something to drink. In my opinion the only point of critic of this event. The support was not as good as for example Rennsteig (to stay in Thuringia), but it was enough with a huge variation. Also the marking was good, without some parts. Very nice was the landscape. It was a wonderful course through the thuringian woods and parts on the Rennsteig. Without the last 15km, which ran through an industry park and open area, it will be perfect. The open area would not be the problem, because there where wonderful views. But the air was standing and had been heated up by the sun. Well, people which are not used to the heat had a hard job today. Blue sky and temperatures over 30°C. Therefore there were some extra water stations during the last 15km. Also some of the locals put out some drinks and water to refresh. Already at km 70 (95 for the 100km) some cheerleaders welcomed the runners. After finishing the last five kilometers there was also a big welcome at the finish. As already mentioned, Thomas Braukmann won without any problem. Also at the 100km race a well known person of Fröttstädt won.

The award ceremony started at 3pm. First the 100km and then the 75km German championship DUV ceremony. Both ceremonies were split in a lot of small parts. It was because of the soccer world championship quarter-final-game Germany against Argentinia in Africa. Because of that, the ceremony started at 3pm. Because the ceremony had not finished until the start of the game at 4pm, there was another part of the ceremony during the half time break. Also not all of runners did finish the race at this time. In my opinion it was not a good ending for such an event.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Braukmann Thomas 5:46:25 1 Rodenbeck Brigitte 7:32:47
2 Koch Rainer 6:04:54 2 Wurster Petra 8:17:52
3 Herget Thomas 6:13:56 3 Bullig Cornelia 8:38:50

Results of the organisation
Report DUV 10/03
Report LG Würzburg
Homepage of the organisation