Reports 2010

German chapmionship 24 hour race in Rockenhausen, Germany

We planned on driving with three people (Walter, Udo and I). Harald drove himself to Rockenhausen, because he came from the opposite direction. Unfortunately, Walter was given short notice and had to work, so we ended up being only three people. Just enough people to build a team. When we arrived in the late afternoon, preparations were in full activity. 150 runners were signed in. A lot people for a 24 hour race. Only 134 runners started but even then the course was full of people. Most of them we had already met in the previous evening. At 6pm there was scheduled a pasta party. Well, actually it took place, but 15 min later. But who cares about 15 min, if he can run 24 hours. Having nice conversations, some beer and full stomach the evening passed quickly. The gym was not the biggest, but it was enough. Also there were not any nasty troublemakers or snorers.

The breakfast was organised similar to the dinner. Just pay a fixed price and have a good breakfast. The start was scheduled for 10am. Most of the 24 hour races start at noon or later. You never felt alone at the 1175m loop, because of the amount of runners. The course was a square with one little uphill over a bridge. Already at the beginning of the race the top male runners made a high speed. I was running with Wolfgang Schwerk and René Strosny. The weather was good, so we were lucky. It was not to warm and not to cold. Well, for most of the runners. I would prefer warmer weather. Furthermore we were expecting a cold night. From time to time some clouds came up, but there was no rain. Some light rain drops, but it is not necessary to mention. At the service areas there was a lot done for supporters and runners. Besides a lot of good things there was music from time to time. Gabi Gründling showed here capabilities as moderator. About mid night I went away from the race. Having some stomach problems, some light dizziness and tiredness were a good reason to go to bed.

When I got up at the next morning I saw, that my colleague Udo had spent the night at the bed as well. So the last spot of motivation was gone. We decided to have breakfast and watch the race for the rest of the time. Just before the end we helped Wolfgang Olbrich to build up the award ceremony. At the end of the race we went home. But before we congratulated our friends for their results.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Distance Place Name Surename Distance
1 Strosny René 236,518km 1 Grohmann Gabriele 213,573 km
2 Reichelt Mario 231,203km 2 Heinlein Marika 210,048 km
3 Ruf Oliver 229,750km 3 Barbara Pfeffer 200,319 km
99 Koch Rainer 124,575 km

Results of the organisation
Report of the DUV 1
Report of the DUV 2
Video of the DUV
Homepage of the organisation