Reports 2010

Jubiläums run of the 25 anniversiy of the DUV at Hanau/Rodenbach, Germany

25 years ago the DUV was founded in Hanau/Rodenbach. Because of that about 50 DUV-runners met there with Harry Arndt. Long time he was president of the DUV. So he could not resist organising a 25km-run at the anniversary. Also he was one of the founders and working most for the acceptance of the Ultramarathon in Germany. Some members from the time of founding, runners of honour of the old time, the head of the DUV as well as some runners of honour from today where invited. The old 10km loop of Rodenbach, which had been taken for multiple championships of Marathon, 50km and100km, was taken as the basis. Some kilometres where cut to get the 5km loop. Depending on the condition of each runner he was able to do up to five loops.

At the morning there was coffee and cake served. At 11:30 there was the start scheduled. But at the start we had to wait for Harry. Because of the snow he had to change the course a bit. A few words of welcome especially honouring the VIPs – actually all of us and then there was the start. Some of the young runners of the SSC Hanau/Rodenbach club ran ahead to show the way. Was it necessary? Actually not, because Harry had marked the whole loop quiet well. At every split there was a person placed. So nobody can be lost. At the station there was a speaker, welcoming every runner and talk about him. So nothing missed! All was well planed and organised. As we were used from Harry!

After the running and a hot shower everybody met at the club house. Because there were just a “few” people the party had been removed from the city hall to the club house. But nothing was missing. There was pea soup, sandwiches and a lot of cake. Harry made a review of the past 25 years. Also he talked about the dark sides, when the DUV had to fight against a new club came up because some people striving for power. In the end he honoured all deserved of the DUV and the German Ultramarathon. Every participant got a certificate, a list of the people and their effort as well as a special cup.

List of participants
Results of the organisation
Report DUV
Report DUV Edition 01/11
Report Laufticker
Homepage of the organisation SSC Hanau/Rodenbach