Reports 2011

German chapmionship 50km in Marburg, Germany

Before the race it was already broadcasted that the German record at 50km will fall. Looking back one year, people could doubt different. At that weekend, one year ago, there was a comeback of the winter. But this year all was different. Because Marburg was not too far we drove there Saturday morning. Also the start was not before 10am. So it was plenty of time to have breakfast. While I was having breakfast the rest of the LG Würzburg runners arrived.

When we started at 10am it was still chilly. But there was already a shining blue sky. There was no wind and basically it was not bad for running. Already at the beginning Peter Seifert took away on the top. To make his pre call true he should not lose any time. Together with the 50km also the marathon, half-marathon- and 10km-runners started. So there were some “rabbits” for the first loops. At the end of the third loop it was getting warmer. But it just seemed to be. After a short while that some wind came up. At the open areas of the course it was blowing around the ears. And it seamed to get more and more windy. Was it just personal feeling or was it reality? Who knows, at least it was not, what a runner would love to have. At the fourth loop Florian passed me. In the end he got up to our second team runner. It seamed that a lot of runners had a good day, because there were a lot of new personal best. Also the German record of the women felt. So it was a good publicity for the organisation.

After the race I had a warm shower. I was long to have some pieces of tarts after the race. But unfortunately I had to disclaim, because they already were gone. I do not know, if the award ceremony was in time or if the placement list was ok the first time. I did not stay long time there. But I read a few days later that all times had to be adjusted some seconds. So it seams, that it did not work out so good. Never the less is, it did a nice event.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Seifert Peter 2:52:13 1 Ulrich Veronika 3:42:19
2 Lynas Matthew 3:15:14 2 Röder Manuela 3:47:15
3 König Rainer 3:16:31 3 Krause Antje 3:50:40
21 Koch Rainer 3:45:08

Results of the organisation
Report DUV edition 01/11
Report DUV edition 02/11
Report LG Würzburg
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