Reports 2011
Hits: 775897

Trans America Footrace "LANY11" from Los Angeles (CA) to New York City (NJ) at 70 days 3200 miles, USA

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The time after!

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It was the first quiet day. Normally everybody could sleep long, because there was no meeting at 4:45am e.g. 5:15am and no start 15 minutes after the meeting. Still I met most of the runners quiet early at the breakfast buffet.

Everybody arranged the day very different. While Peter already packed everything, I was spending the time to do my reports. There was a lot work had to be done. Our plans to visit New York were washed away by Irene (Hurricane). During the morning hours it rained heavily. Since yesterday afternoon it did not stop. But there was not much wind. It came up at the afternoon, when the rain stopped. Peter, June and I went together for lunch. It was Peter’s idea and wish. At the afternoon some of the runners said good bye. Some stayed in New York, but changed the Hotel. Also June left us today. She liked to stay with some friends for the rest of the week.

At the evening the people of the organization, Serge, Phillipe, Bavato, his supporter, Peter and I went together for dinner. Laure had chosen a French restaurant. So also the menu was in French language. After a while some of the French looked up very surprised. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga was here. He was a very famous French tennis player. Tsonga was here for the US Open. He gave out a drink and had some small talk with us. After the dinner we were sitting together at the hotel bar and talked some more. Especially, we talked about supporters and their duties. It was interesting to figure out that not just we had problems with that.

At the next morning some people of the organization and I went for a run at the Central Park. It was just a short run, but it was nice. After the run Peter and I went for breakfast. Then I brought him to the airport. The rest of the days I spent by doing permanent trails and visiting old friends. On Tuesday I met with Gemma and James to do a tour through China town and Italian town.


After a long flight and five hours waiting in Paris I arrived in Nuremberg. My plane landed at 2:10pm and already at 2:30pm I went with my luggage towards the arrival hall. There was my first reception. My parents, Katrin, Marika, Michaela, Hans, Bruno and Rainer waited with a big banner and some little surprises for me. We hugged each other, I was congratulated, and we had some small talks and took some photos. Finally we went to the car. From the airport we drove home. There I put out my luggage and had some cake. After we went to the Frankenhalle. There was the Dettelbacher volksmarch event. My parents already had done the 20 kilometer course this morning. While my sister, her friend Katrin went with my parents on another 10 kilometer loop, Bruno and I ran the 20 kilometer loop. Then we were sitting together and had some dinner. I talked to some friends from the IVV and had to tell again and again the “story” of America. At the event hall the chief of the club told me that there will be some surprise during the award ceremony for the clubs tomorrow at 11am. Later I went with my grand parents to an Italian restaurant.


The Sunday was almost like a normal day. At the morning I went to the walking event and did two loops of 20 kilometers. Sadly there was not more time to do another one, than at 11am I should be at the event hall for a surprise. I already had a rough guess what will be going on, because some I had already heard. At 11am there was a reception of the major. Also Matthias Bielek from Radio Gong was present. He also did an interview with me, which was broadcasted following Monday at his radio broadcast. Also he asked me to come for a live interview the sport journal. It was broadcasted from TV Touring in Schweinfurt on Monday evening. Today there were some friends from the IVV present, also some other friends, some people from Dettelbach and some relatives. Jürgen Hörst and Klaus Kasper had raised some money from the IVV-walkers. Therefore I like to thanks heartily. Also I want to thank now for all the mails with encouraged and strengthened me. A Thanks to the people strove with me every day and the ones send their greetings. Last but not least I want to thank Wrightsock, Newline and Sebamed which supported me with material.

When the turbulences where done and it was more silent we tent to grill.


The regular live started again on Monday. It was the first working day. Today there was not much time, because my boss was leaving at noon. Now it was his vacation. That fore the “party” should be after his return. At the late afternoon I went towards Schweinfurt. Yesterday evening I had sent some video about the race material to TV Touring. Already during the race Dave (from the organization) was so kind to allow me using the videos of LANY. Also Matthias Reinlein and Daniela Schneider gave me their videos from the arrival in New York. Also them I thank again you again. There were two more guests at the sport journal this evening. I was the last one. Because of that my interview was really short. When we had some drink after they told me that there will be another interview, because it was to short today.


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Facebook groupe
Course in Google Map
Media Kit of the organisation
Roadbook 05/21/2011
Roadbook Annex 06/11/2011
Homepage of the organisation
Personal homepage of the organisation
Homepage of Peter Bartel (runner)
Blog of Markus Müller (sideboarder)
Homepage of Markus Müller (runner)
Facebook group of Markus Müller (runner)
Homepage of Italo Orrù (runner)
Homepage of James Adams (runner)
Homepage Live More Lectures von James Adams (Läufer)
Homepage of Gérard Bavato (runner)
Homepage of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Capicoia - sponsor of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Garmin Revolution - sponsor of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Mauro Talamonti - photographer of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of ISSUU - sponsor of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Jeep - sponsor of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Jeep 2 - sponsor of Alexandro Bellini (runner)
Homepage of Patrick Malandain (runner)
Homepage USA Crossers
Photos of Makoto Koshita (runner)


Report Voix Du Midi magazin at 01/26/2011
Report Couleur at 04/2011
Report Jeeppress at 06/08/2011
Report Vo2 at 06/25/2011
Report Der Märker at 06/11/2011
Report Depeche magazin at 04/15/2011
Report VDM magazin at 04/16/2011
Report Newspaper Mainpost at 07/08/2011
Report Happer County Journal at Buffalo at 07/20/2011
Report Oklahoma Newschannel 4 at 07/20/2011
Report Northwestern Oklahoma State University at 07/20/2011
Report The Alva Review-Courier at 07/23/2011
Report FourStates Homepage (Channel KSN16) at 07/27/2011
Report Happer County Journal at Buffalo at 07/27/2011
Report Der NordBerliner newspaper from Germany at 07/28/2011
Report Woodwarden News at 07/31/2011
Report County News Live Hermann at 08/02/2011
Report Hannibal Courier-Post at 08/03/2011
Report Zeit Online newspaper from Germany at 08/17/2011
Report Die Kitzinger newspaper from Germany, Kitzingen at 08/18/2011
Report Die Kitzinger newspaper from Germany, Kitzingen at 08/18/2011
Report Der Tagesspiegel newspaper from Germany, Berlin at 08/18/2011
Report Der Tagesspiegel newspaper from Germany, Berlin at 08/18/2011
Report LG Würzburg
Report Die Kitzinger from Germany, Kitzingen at 09/01/2011
Report Die Kitzinger Newspaper from Germany, Kitzingen at 09/01/2011
Report Der Märker newspaper from Germany, Kitzingen at 09/03/2011
Report Mainpost newspaper from Germany, Kitzingen at 09/02/2011
Report Der Nord Berliner newspaper from Germany, Berlin at 09/08/2011
Report Losse Veter.NL internet in Netherlands at 09/02/2011
Radiointerview at Radio Gong at 09/05/2011
Report Running magazin from Germany 10/2011
Report from Running pour elle magazine from France 10/2011
Report Ultrafondus magazin from France 14/10/2011
Report of LANY
Report of Gérard Bavato
Report Der Nord Berliner newspaper from Germany, Berlin at 11/01/2011
Report of Peter Bartel
Report of Italo Orrù
Report of Patrick Malandain
Report of James Adams
Report of June Ryn
Report of Alexandro Bellini at Behance
Report of Alexandro Bellini
Report of Alexandro Bellini at Capicoia
Report of Alexandro Bellini at Garmin Revolution
Report of Alexandro Bellini at Jeep
Report of Mauro Talamonti
Report of James Adams at The Live More Lectures
Report at Trail
Blog Facebook "Trans-America-Footrace 2011"


Video from LANY in Huntington Beach at 06/17/2011
Video from LANY of Serge at 06/18/2011
Interview from LANY with Gerard Bavato at 07/12/2011
Video Oklahoma Newschannel 4 at 07/20/2011
Interview from LANY at 07/15/2011
Video FourStates Homepage (Channel KSN16) at 07/27/2011
Interview from LANY with René at 08/18/2011
Interview from LANY at 08/24/2011
Video TV-Touring Germany, Schweinfurt at 09/05/2011
Video Parick Malandain 1
Video Parick Malandain 2
Video Parick Malandain 3
Video Parick Malandain 4
Video Parick Malandain 5
Video Parick Malandain 6
Video June Ryn 1
Video June Ryn 2
Video June Ryn 3
Video June Ryn 4
Video presentation of James Adams
Video Alexandro Bellini at Jeep - Ready to Go
Video Alexandro Bellini at Jeep - Chapter 3
Video Alexandro Bellini at Jeep - Chapter 4
Video Alexandro Bellini at Jeep - Arriving
Video Alexandro Bellini - Team
Video Alexandro Bellini - Los Angeles 7 giorni
Video Alexandro Bellini - Interview 1
Video Alexandro Bellini - Interview 2
Interview Jenni de Grot
Interview Channel 3 (France) with Patrick Malandain
Video David Antoine
Daily videos of LANY: