Reports 2012

Bärenfels Holy-Eve-Marathon at Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

Another year had passed. Christmas was coming and with it the next edition of the Bärenfels-holy-eve Marathon. Already the driving there was relaxed. But it was quiet obvious, that there would not be traffic at that time. Also it was very warm. So there was also no snow. Actually it was the warmest holy-eve marathon we ever had. When we arrived Stephan already was there to manage the parking cars. The parking area at the block heat and power plant was not far from the start and finish area. As usual the start and finish area was located under the bridge.

Just in time, only two minutes after 8am, we started. Almost 90 runners started for the first of six loops. The course was the same as the years before. Because of some rain the previous days it was still wet. But the gravel path was still quite clean. Without the snow it was very easy to run, compared to the previous years.

From beginning on Herrmann Carsten and Kirschbaum Max took the leading. That did not change until the end. I was with the following group. But it already split after the first loop. In the end of the second loop the first four places were fixed. In the end of the fourth loop we met the short distance runners as they were running in opposite direction. Arrived at the finish we took some time to rest. Then we went for the showers, located five kilometres away in the gym. After the shower we went to the cinema. There the award ceremony took place. At 2pm it started with the short distance runners.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename km Place Name Surename km
1 Hermann Carsten 02:56:11 1 Krieg Stefanie 03:56:18
2 Kirschbaum Max 03:00:35 2 Hildebrand Carmen 04:04:34
3 Wagner Markus 03:03:56 3 Frenzel Carola 04:20:31
4 Koch Rainer 03:08:55 4

Results of the organisation marathon
Results of the organisation kids run
Results of the organisation short distance
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