Reports 2012
Hits: 127570

JOGLE Ultra (Trans England) from John O'Groats to Lands End in 16 days 864 miles, England

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11. stage at 04/30/2012 from Ludlow to Chepstow, (day: 61.6miles / overall.: 645.9miles)

Report Results Fotos

This morning everything was different. I got up already at 5:15am, had breakfast and left at 7am. Not long time after me, Ann got up. Also she could sleep longer today. After I finished breakfast Rory brought me to the start point. Before the start we had plenty to laugh about. The French showed some strange humour. At their forum they had taken a picture of Tom F, Tim E. and Tom H.. When one of them dropped out they took a big red cross to mark him out. Rory liked it so much that he linked it on Facebook.

After the start photo I went away. Today we had more than 60 Miles (96 km) on the schedule. But it was just a rough guidance level. In the end of the day as well as the last two days I had more than 100 km (62 Miles). There was only one important thing. Where the bus parked or Rory stood with the clock was the place to stop!

After a few small showers at the morning the rain stopped. Actually it was getting sunny and warm. But still there was always oncoming wind. Today we continued on big roads without a lot of room to run. We passed Hereford and Monmouth. Both had very beautiful cathedrals. On the last kilometer the streets got smaller and curvier. They brought us through the third region of Great Britain. But there was no sign to tell you. Just at the road markings you can see “SLOW” and “ARAF” instead of just “SLOW”. We did not stay in Wales for a long time. Tomorrow we would get back to England. Just before the end we passed the cathedral Tintern. It was destroyed by King Henry VIII, because the pope did not allow him to marry more women. (Wikipedia).

When we came back to the bus we saw the ruin of Chepstow. It was new even for Rory and Jen. The last time, two years ago, it was already midnight when they arrived here. At that year the three “survivors” had called Rory after 50 Miles (80 km). They stopped there, because they did not want to go further. That was also the reason why they expanded the race from 15 to 16 days. Otherwise the three will arrive at midnight at Lands End. Another strange thing happened at the 50 Mile (80 km) point. Just before I passed the bridge a car with two women was oncoming. When they passed the co-driver lifted a sign with “9.5”. What should I think about that? Strange are the English people. Or as Oberlix would used to say “They are crazy these British”.

Jens parents came over at the evening. They lived close by and had followed the block. Also another runner was coincidently here. He saw the bus and caught the chance to look over.


Report Results Fotos

Fotos of the day:

Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 11:21:34 1 Rainer Koch 106:24:37
Forman Tom DNF Tom Forman DNF
Elliot Tim DNF Tim Elliot DNF
Haines Tom DNF Tom Haines DNF
Pope Steve DNF Steve Pope DNF
Corden-Lloyd Mel DNF Mel Corden-Lloyd DNF
Wilmshurst Andy DNF Andy Wilmshurst DNF
Gordon Steve DNF Steve Gordon DNF
Maley Sean DNF Sean Maley DNF
Oliver Tim DNF Tim Oliver DNF
Hey-Heddle Katherine DNF Katherine Hey-Heddle DNF
Report Results Fotos


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05/24/2012 Report Kitzinger newspaper (German)
05/14/2012 Ultranews Edition 29 JOGLE (English)
05/08/2012 Charity Giving JOGLE (English)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
2012 JOGLE results
05/05/2012 Report DUV
05/05/2012 Report DUV - PDF
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English)
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Mudsweatandtears (English)
04/20/2012 Report Trail (French)
2012 JOGLE FAQ (English)
2012 JOGLE profiles (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE at Virgin Money Giving of Th. Forman (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE of Th. Forman (English)
04/26/2012 Report Paperblog (English)
04/30/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
05/06/2012 Report Ultrafondus (French)
05/07/2012 Bericht Kikourou (French)
Blog organisation
Blog TISO (English)
Blog ADDM (French)
Blog Facebook "JOGLE ULTRA 2012" (English)

Maps of Jogle Ultra: