Reports 2012
Hits: 127553

JOGLE Ultra (Trans England) from John O'Groats to Lands End in 16 days 864 miles, England

<Pre race> <1><2><3><4><5><6><7><8><9><10><11><12><13><14><15><16>

04. stage at 04/23/2012 from Spean Bridge to Tyndrum, (day: 55.1miles / overall.: 230.3miles)

Report Results Fotos

Also today started as usual. Getting up as soon as the first group had started and then have breakfast. Also today I started alone. Just before I started we received the first bad message. Sean Maley had dropped out at the first aid station.

I also did not have the best day. After 3 miles (5 km) I made a wrong step and fell down. Also I had to go five times to the bushes before I reached the first aid station. If it was going on like that it would be a dam long day. But luckily it was gone after I left the aid station. Everything was going on like always. The course brought us through the Highlands. We passed Loch Lochy and Loch Linnhe. From there we went further into the Highlands. We came closer and closer to the snow tops. The landscape was having less and less trees. Even there was sunshine the temperatures dropped down. Also more wind came up. Today I caught Steve P. and Andy W. quite early. Also the other runners I caught quite early. Only Tim E. was far away from them. At the third aid station I heard that Andy W. dropped out. He already had knee problems yesterday evening.

When I arrived I had a hot tea. Then I was cleaning up myself. When I came back Rory and Jend had arrived. They had planned to support me again on the last 15 miles (24 km), but they did not make it anymore before I finished. With them was Steve Gordon. He was the third drop outer. Only six are left and some already had shin splints. At the dinner we received the next bad news. Tomorrow we will pass Glasgow, but the Clyde tunnel was closed by the police. It seems the criminal activity was too bad, so they just shut it down. It seems not possible to go around on one of the bridges. But Rory and Jend was going to check for it, because nobody was really happy about getting into a car. At least I was not!


Report Results Fotos

Fotos of the day:

Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 8:30:03 1 Rainer Koch 35:04:42
2 Pope Steve 12:01:25 2 Steve Pope 42:38:25
3 Haines Tom 12:40:32 3 Tom Haines 48:43:49
4 Elliot Tim 14:10:32 4 Tim Elliot 57:15:26
5 Forman Tom 14:38:56 5 Tom Forman 57:49:42
6 Corden-Lloyd Mel 14:45:50 6 Mel Corden-Lloyd 57:50:44
Wilmshurst Andy DNF Andy Wilmshurst DNF
Gordon Steve DNF Steve Gordon DNF
Maley Sean DNF Sean Maley DNF
Oliver Tim DNF Tim Oliver DNF
Hey-Heddle Katherine DNF Katherine Hey-Heddle DNF
Report Results Fotos


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05/24/2012 Report Kitzinger newspaper (German)
05/14/2012 Ultranews Edition 29 JOGLE (English)
05/08/2012 Charity Giving JOGLE (English)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
2012 JOGLE results
05/05/2012 Report DUV
05/05/2012 Report DUV - PDF
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English)
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Mudsweatandtears (English)
04/20/2012 Report Trail (French)
2012 JOGLE FAQ (English)
2012 JOGLE profiles (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE at Virgin Money Giving of Th. Forman (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE of Th. Forman (English)
04/26/2012 Report Paperblog (English)
04/30/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
05/06/2012 Report Ultrafondus (French)
05/07/2012 Bericht Kikourou (French)
Blog organisation
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Blog Facebook "JOGLE ULTRA 2012" (English)

Maps of Jogle Ultra: