Reports 2012
Hits: 127557

JOGLE Ultra (Trans England) from John O'Groats to Lands End in 16 days 864 miles, England

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08. stage at 04/27/2012 from Penrith to Garstang, (day: 56.4miles / overall.: 464.0miles)

Report Results Fotos

When I got up this morning one bed was still used. Rory told me that he went to hospital with Tim E. yesterday night. His feet where in such a bad condition, that he was not able to continue. When I had finished my breakfast also Tim E. got up. His feet where completely wrapped and it looked like he had white shoes.

Rory brought me to the start line just before 9am. Because the bus parking was out of the city, yesterday there was a finish line just on the road. Today we continued from there. At the beginning we went through Penrith. It was a nice city, but we had to be careful not to run in the wrong direction. Today we had some more cities to run through. But before we got there we had to do some uphill. Thinking the hills were like the Highlands is definitely wrong. But basically there was no reason to complain. The hills here are nothing compared to mountains. Got back down from the hill we continued to Kendal. Also here we had to be very careful. We had to run from time to time on four lane roads with heavy traffic. Just before Carnforth I passed Tom F. It seemed that he was doing better. He tried to do 4 Miles (6,5 km) an hour. After some small talk at the course and the aid station I continued through Carnforth. After that we only had to get through Lancaster. Many Kings lived there before. Rory and Jen waited in Slyne, just before Lancaster to support us. Rory told me we had 10 Miles (16 km) more to go. Today the aid stations where in very strange distances. Also Tom F. reorganised it. Just a few kilometres after passing Lancaster the road sign showed 6 Miles (10 km) more to Garstang. According to my Garmin I had done already 7 Miles (11 km) since the last aid station. As Garstang was our stage finish for today it would be another day above 100 km (62 Miles). Just a few kilometres later we had the easing. The bus was not parked in Garstang, so it was just a bit more above the turn sheet.

Gemma Greenwood and James Adams waited for me at the finish line. Last year James and I had done the TransAm (Trans Amerika (LANY11)) together. Gemma had been there partly to support him and to welcome him in New York. It was good to see some old friends. They came over from London to stay with the race for the weekend. Also after Lancaster another friend of James came over to cheer and see Tom F. and me at the road. Today we did not have showers again. So it was very good that Gemma and James had booked a B&B around the corner. They let me use their shower. Today we had a visitor day. Without James and Gemma also Collin came over. He was a runner participated last year. In the evening also Toms parents came.


Report Results Fotos

Fotos of the day:

Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 09:52:35 1 Rainer Koch 72:52:16
2 Forman Tom 14:11:45 2 Tom Forman 118:25:44
Elliot Tim DNF Tim Elliot DNF
Haines Tom DNF Tom Haines DNF
Pope Steve DNF Steve Pope DNF
Corden-Lloyd Mel DNF Mel Corden-Lloyd DNF
Wilmshurst Andy DNF Andy Wilmshurst DNF
Gordon Steve DNF Steve Gordon DNF
Maley Sean DNF Sean Maley DNF
Oliver Tim DNF Tim Oliver DNF
Hey-Heddle Katherine DNF Katherine Hey-Heddle DNF
Report Results Fotos


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05/24/2012 Report Kitzinger newspaper (German)
05/14/2012 Ultranews Edition 29 JOGLE (English)
05/08/2012 Charity Giving JOGLE (English)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
2012 JOGLE results
05/05/2012 Report DUV
05/05/2012 Report DUV - PDF
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English)
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Mudsweatandtears (English)
04/20/2012 Report Trail (French)
2012 JOGLE FAQ (English)
2012 JOGLE profiles (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE at Virgin Money Giving of Th. Forman (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE of Th. Forman (English)
04/26/2012 Report Paperblog (English)
04/30/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
05/06/2012 Report Ultrafondus (French)
05/07/2012 Bericht Kikourou (French)
Blog organisation
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Blog Facebook "JOGLE ULTRA 2012" (English)

Maps of Jogle Ultra: