Reports 2012
Hits: 127540

JOGLE Ultra (Trans England) from John O'Groats to Lands End in 16 days 864 miles, England

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Pre report

The last day before the big race. Big – well some would say there are only 16 days and just 864 miles (1390 km). But the results of the past two years show that the race is not to underestimate. About 56 miles (90 km a day bring us from John O’Groats north of Scottland down to Lands End at the south west. 56 miles (90 km are just seen as a middle between worst case and best case. The last day are less then 10 miles (16 km). Compared to previous days it is negligible. By dividing the rest of the distance on 15 days results 56.9 miles (91 km). Taking 16 days and the full length of the race there are only 54 miles (87 km) a day. Still 12 km more than Trans-Europe-Footrace (TEFR09) or Trans America (LANY11).

Last of the two races brought me to this race. James Adams told me about it during LANY. I already had crossed France, Germany and Europe and was going to cross the next country e.g. continent just at that time. So the JOGLE caught my interest. Especially long stages and the difficult elevation made it quite a fascination. But I did not know about the high drop out rate at that time. Only three of twelve runners finished the first year. During the second year all seven starters dropped out. There were plenty reasons for it, but there was only one important thing. You had to be careful at such a race, because many things can happen. In the end only one is counting – finishing! For what it`s worth. James told me about the race and my first place at LANY got me to it. LANY did not give any price money. Still our organizer Laure had something special planned. Everyone got a small present depending on their interests during LANY. As the winner I got a free entry for the JOGLE Ultra. It could not fit better. Only agreeing the vacation and the travelling had to be done.

This year seven men and two women went to start their way to the south of England. The weather forecast told about a huge dry period at the south. But we will see what kind of weather we get. It is for sure, that weather at the Highlands should not be underestimated. Also there are plenty of elevations, which add up to more than 18 000 positive altitudes on the 864 miles (1390 km).

Course JOGLE Ultra:

Look at Google-Maps


Just past 4am the clock rang. Because I stayed the night in Nuremberg it was just a short jump to the airport. At 5am I gave up my luggage and checked in. The flight was scheduled to depart at 6:15am, but there was only a announcement. Because of radar problems in Frankfurt it was delayed about 1:15 hour. About 30 minutes later we got the good news, that the route was changed and we can start. In the beginning I was afraid, because in London Gatwick I had to get my flight to Inverness. At 10:55am the gate closed. It would be a shame if I missed it. We landed just past 9 am. Changing the clock to the new time zone we had just past 8am. So I had plenty of time! I was working on my pc and waited for boarding. Just before 11:30 am the flight took off to Inverness. Also this one was delayed.

When we landed it was very cloudy and had light rain. When I left the airport I could not see any other runner. We had scheduled to meet up at 1pm and it was just past. I was searching for Rory Coleman`s phone number, when he showed up. We had to wait for Mel Corden-Lloyd before we went towards the car. Jen Sattler and Tim Elliot were waiting there. WE drove a couple of meters before we arrived at the bus with the rest of the runners.

Now we had a three hour bus drive to John O’Groats. During a short pre race meeting Rory and Jen explained the rules and important things. Ann made a few sandwiches and then we left. Ann will provide us with food during the next days. So she will be one of the most important persons. And there was Paul, our bus driver.

The bus trip was quiet funny. We laughed a lot and had the chance to see some parts of the course. The bus was much different as I supposed it. I know some sleeping busses from my trips in China. But this one more like a hotel on wheels. It had two sitting areas with tv, a kitchen and some beds. There should not be any more runners. Otherwise it would be to stuffed. While we driving it stopped raining. But just before John O’Groats it started again. Also there was some wind. Remembering from TEFR09 came up. When we ran through Sweden and Norway the weather was similar.

Just after we arrived in John O’Groats we had a photoshoot. With the bad weather nobody liked to stay outside. The time between the photo shoot and the dinner was used to set up everything. We took the things we needed out of our bag and put the bag back in the luggage area of the bus. Not long time after Ann had finished the dinner. There was rice with chili con carne. As dessert she put her birthday cake on the table. Also she made some pan cakes with nutella. After dinner most went to bed early, because the start was already at 5:30 am.

Fotos of the day:

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05/24/2012 Report Kitzinger newspaper (German)
05/14/2012 Ultranews Edition 29 JOGLE (English)
05/08/2012 Charity Giving JOGLE (English)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
05/06/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
2012 JOGLE results
05/05/2012 Report DUV
05/05/2012 Report DUV - PDF
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French)
04/30/2012 Report Vo2 (French) - PDF
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English)
04/25/2012 Report Multidays (English) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
04/20/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French) - PDF
04/20/2012 Report Mudsweatandtears (English)
04/20/2012 Report Trail (French)
2012 JOGLE FAQ (English)
2012 JOGLE profiles (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE at Virgin Money Giving of Th. Forman (English)
05/22/2012 report JOGLE of Th. Forman (English)
04/26/2012 Report Paperblog (English)
04/30/2012 Report Yahoo.NET (French)
05/06/2012 Report Ultrafondus (French)
05/07/2012 Bericht Kikourou (French)
Blog organisation
Blog TISO (English)
Blog ADDM (French)
Blog Facebook "JOGLE ULTRA 2012" (English)

Maps of Jogle Ultra: