Reports 2012

Wall race Berlin - 174 km along the old Berlin wall in 3 days, Germany

<Pre race> <1><2><3>

02. stage at 11/10/2012 from Berlin-Wannsee to Berlin-Hennigsdorf, (day: 66km / overall.: 129km)

Report Results Fotos

The second race day started at 6am with breakfast. We gave up our luggage between 7am and 7:45am. The first group started for a 67k distance to Hennigsdorf at 7:30am. Followed by the faster ones at 8am.

Thomas, Sören, Franz and me started together again. Franz fell back quite early while we other three stayed together for the first 27k. Then Thomas sped up and I followed him. Todays course was more hilly than yesterday, if it was possible to talk about hills. For me it was still flat, because I was used to much more hills from my home area Franken. Besides the hills we had more woods today. This path was long and straight. Most of the runners did not like it. On the historical point of view it had big advantages, because it was the line of the boarder. It did not take even 10k until Thomas slowed down again. I kept the pace and went away. Harald Reiff was waiting about 20k before the finish. He marked the course today and told me he did not speed through like yesterday. So we stayed together until the end. The last check point was located next to an old watch tower. Only five of 300 where left. As yesterday the last two kilometers where going away from the boarder trail. They brought us to the accomodation of today. It looked like we where quite lucky. It was cool, but dry and from time to time some sunshine broke through. We were happy the weather broadcast was not true.

Even though we slept in a hotel it was not as comfortable as the youth hostel. The rooms were more luxurious, but the dining room was very small. So we had to be quite flexible while having dinner and breakfast. It started to rain slightly when my girlfriend and I went for a coffe in the afternoon. When we got back it already rained. So not all of the runners arrived dry. Todays briefing and award ceremony finished quickly. According we could go to bed early or plan something else in the evening.


Report Results Fotos
Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 5:27:40 1 Koch Rainer 10:16:59
2 Herget Thomas 5:49:52 2 Herget Thomas 10:52:14
3 Schramm Sören 11:51:52 3 Schramm Sören 5:37:54

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Results Mauerlauf
11/09/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf 2
11/11/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/13/2012 Report Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
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