Reports 2012

Wall race Berlin - 174 km along the old Berlin wall in 3 days, Germany

<Pre race> <1><2><3>

03. stage at 11/11/2012 from Berlin-Hennigsdorf to Berlin, (day: 45km / overall.: 174km)

Report Results Fotos

Also the last day we had two start groups. The twelve fastest runners of the previous day started at 8am. The rest of the runners started half 30 minutes earlier. Todays stage was the shortest. The 44k brought us back to the Schreber City Hostel. Luckily it stopped raining during the night.

After the start Sören, Thomas and I went away at the top. Sören went up to the third place yesterday. Between him and Franz, the winner of the first year, was only 10 minutes difference. To the places in front was much more difference, so normally there should be no changes anymore. Today I passed the last runner from the first group earlier than yesterday. That was, because we were running faster. The second aid station was located on the next watching tower. This one was open, so we could visit it. It is private property and was rebuilt in a hunter house. Just before the thrid aid station Thomas, Sören and me split up. Just before that Andreas Deák caught up. He started with the first aid station to check the marking. In the morning we had caught up and passed him. When I went away he stayed with me and drove a few meters in front of me. As Alex broadcasted we can see the television tower of Berlin. But just the rough suroundings, because it was a bit fogy and hazy.

The last kilometers brought us again throught the city center of Berlin. We felt how zickzack the boarder was. But most places there was nothing to see from the wall. Just a two line stone on the ground remembers to the wall.

Arrived at the finish line I first went for a shower. It was quiet chilly and I was getting cold quickly. It did not take a long time until the lunch was ready. All the runners met there and waited for the award ceremony. It was schedualed for 2:30pm, but it delayed for 15 minutes. In the end 50 runners finished. Everyone received a certificate, a medal and a pair of armlings.


Report Results Fotos
Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 3:36:08 1 Koch Rainer 13:53:07
2 Herget Thomas 3:45:04 2 Herget Thomas 14:37:18
3 Schramm Sören 3:51:17 3 Schramm Sören 15:43:09

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Results Mauerlauf
11/09/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf 2
11/11/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/13/2012 Report Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
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