Reports 2012

Wall race Berlin - 174 km along the old Berlin wall in 3 days, Germany

<Pre race> <1><2><3>

Pre report

Report Results Fotos

On Thursday I went towards Berlin. It took me a long time by train. So I had a lot of time to do some work. It is the big advantage of taking a train. After arriving in Berlin I did some shopping. Then I went to the Schreber City Hostel located at Kreuzberg. Most of the runners already had arrived, when I got there. I picked up my start number and my room key. Then I went to my room to prepare everything for the day after. I pinned the bib to the belt bag, put the road book into the bed and plugged the photo, the mobile and the Garmin for charging. Then I went for dinner. Everybody got enough food, because the dinner was build up as a buffet. After the dinner we had some more spare time before we had the pre race briefing. Normally a presentation was scheduled, but it was changed to the evening after the first day. So, most of the runners went to bed after the meeting.

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Results Mauerlauf
11/09/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/10/2012 Report Mauerlauf 2
11/11/2012 Report Mauerlauf
11/13/2012 Report Märkische Allgemeine Zeitung
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