Reports 2013

German chapmionship Ultratrail (Voralpenmarathon 51,7 km) in Kempten, Germany

On Saturday we were first at an IVV-event in Großaitingen next to Bobingen. It was not far away from Kempten. We arrived at the guest house JUFA Kempten shortly after Theo, Udo, Lutz and Georg in the afternoon. They had brought their luggage already to the rooms and were waiting in the lobby. We also first took our luggage to the room. Then we picked up our race numbers. We did not have far to go, because the pick up for the bibs was located at the JUFA. As well, the start of the Voralpenmarathon was located just in front of the door. The award ceremony was placed in the JUFA again. After we picked up our race numbers and shirts we went for dinner. When we arrived at the Italian restaurant, recommended by the guest house, we figured out that it was closed. Luckily it is possible to look up other options with modern technique. It did not take a long time until “master Google” listed up alternative Italian restaurants. Back from dinner we went to the lobby for some talk, had a beer and enjoyed the rest of the evening. Breakfast was at 7 am and the start at 9 am on Sunday morning. So nobody wanted to go to bed too early.

In the morning we all met at the breakfast. We had enough time to the start. Unfortunately we had to check out before the race. 15 minutes before the start we brought our luggage to the car and returned our room keys. Then we waited in the lobby. Just a few minutes before the start we went out to do some photos and positioning at the start line.

The start was split into two groups. With the first start signal the 15 km, 30 km and 51.7 km runners started. At the second signal the walkers started. It was the second time that the German championships in Ultratrail were organized in Kempten. In 2006 the course was only 46 km. Now it was changed to 51.7 km with 1200 m in altitude. After the start we had to run uphill. We had to crest five summits before basically running the last 12 km downhill. Some of the uphill were so steep, that walking was the better choice. Between the summits it was a steady up and down. Check points with small snacks and drinks were located approximately every five kilometres.

Even though it had rained a lot during the previous days, the course was still quite dry. Nobody wants to imagine running this race with rain or snow. We were very lucky with the weather. At the morning it was still chilly, because there were no clouds covering the sky. And it stayed like that, no clouds and sunshine. So we had beautiful panorama views with the foothills of the Alps and the Alps. The weather forecast fitted well. At 20°C only the shadow areas stayed chilly.

After the start a huge leading group went away. With them a lot of 15 km, 30 km and Ultramarathon runners. I started slowly. Wednesday I still had some problems with a cold, so I wanted to check first how my body supports the uphill running. Even though I had to blow my nose quite often, I was able to speed up and catch up with other runners after 30 km.

Jahn Kempten was definitely the big winner of the day. They had organised a nice event as well as having multiple runners starting at the championship. They were awarded with many medals. We also could not blame the day. Even two fast runners of the LG Würzburg did not start, Theo Bieber and I placed third in the age group. The award ceremony was at 4 pm, even then we could leave before 5 pm. So it was a very nice event with a fast and smooth award ceremony.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Schissl Helmut 3:45:59 1 Pfenningschmidt Silke 4:09:26
2 Sommer Michael 3:52:58 2 Veith Pamela 4:15:07
3 Zimmermann Achim 3:52:59 3 Hailer Nadine 4:22:20
12 Koch Rainer 4:10:43 12

Results of the organisation
Report Ultramartathon magazine 04/13
10/24/2013 newspaper report Mainpost
09/23/2013 newspaper report Allgäuer Zeitung
Homepage of the organisation