Reports 2014

Bärenfels Holy-Eve-Marathon in Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

It was on 12/23 after work when my wife Grace and I went to Idar-Oberstein. We had booked a vacation flat to stay there for Christmas. Jürgen, Susi and the kids had already left at noon after the kids came back from school. They had themselves already made comfortable, when we arrived. There was not much going on that day, because on the next day there was 24th and the Bärenfels-holy-eve-marathon.

In the morning Jürgen and I had breakfast before we left to the start in Nohfelden. Susi, Grace and the kids followed us later, to be at the finish line when we finish. Only a few runners had arrived before us. We picked up our running bids and used the rest of the time to talk to some other runners and had some coffee. The start was on time, which was not the standard here. Due to late entries, most of the time there is a late start at the Fellers family races.

After the start of the race some runners went away. In the lead was Roland Stulz, René Strosny and Karsten Fischer. Based on the way of the route it was very easy to follow the race. The course did not change at all. It was still 2,5km on a detour way to an aid station, then a small loop around the hilltop – the Bärenfels. In the end of the course there was a turn around point at the start and finish area with another aid station. Roland led the course four loops, but then René passed him. Even both of them ran a strong race, it was not possible for René to take the course record.

After the race traditionally the award ceremony took place at the cinema. Jürgen and Susi left earlier, because it took to long for the kids. Later we met again at the vacation flat and had some relaxed holidays.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Strosny René 02:51:04 1 Honebeck Martina 3:53:12
2 Stulz Roland 02:52:57 2 Kramer Bianca 04:00:48
3 Fischer Karsten 02:57:04 3 Stras Viola 04:06:16
4 Koch Rainer 03:02:44 4

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