Reports 2015

Bärenfels Holy-Eve-Marathon in Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

According to the calendar it was holy eve, but looking at the weather it seemed to be spring. At 3:30 am we left home towards Hoppstätten. At that time it was 8°C. The start was at 8:15am, but it was about 330km to drive. So we definitely had to get up early. One advantage of the warm temperatures was that the streets were in good condition. Besides there is normally no traffic at such a time. So we arrived in less than three hours in Hoppstätten. Not many other runners had arrived, but Stefan already took control of the parking cars.

After we had picked up my start bib and had a small talk with Robert, we went back to the car. The event was organized as always outside. The only protection from the weather influences was a highway underpass. So it became chilly after a while, even it though it was a warm winter. It was still 1:30 hour until the start, so we rested a little bit in the car. Just before 8 am I went to the start. The course remained the same as the previous years. It started in front of the underpass and there were five loops to run. Each loop was 8.5 km. The first 2.5km was on an out- and back-way. It ended at the first aid station half way up to the Bärenfels hill. From there on there was a loop up to the hill and back to the aid station. Then we ran back to the turn around point at the underpass. Where another aid station was located. Just before we started, Robert announced that there was a new participant record on the Marathon. This time more than 100 runners started. One reason was surely the good weather. I had planned to do a relaxed run. Therefore, I let the leading group run away from the beginning. In the end it was proved that they had started very fast. As a result there was a new course record. But I was not able to watch all the runners finish, since I left immediately to shower after I finished. Then we continued to the airport to fly to China for Christmas.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Fischer Karsten 2:41:17 1 Conrad Kerstin 3:48:58
2 Probst Andreas 2:48:09 2 Schütt Silke 3:50:47
3 Baus Dennis 2:52:20 3 Krieg Stefanie 3:58:21
15 Koch Rainer 3:28:19 15

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