Reports 2015

Boxmeerdaagse - 360 km in eight days around Boxmeer, Netherlands

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Pre report

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It has been awhile since I completed a multi-day race. The Boxmeerdaaagse race in the Netherlands should be a way of getting back into it. So I will be ready for the Tour de Taiwan next year. Unfortunately Tour de Taiwan was cancelled for next year. It should be organized again in a few years. Nevertheless, during the next days I was going to do between 42k and 50k every day. The end of these walking days will be another race, the Monschau ultramarathon. Willem, the organizer of the Boxmeerdaagse will have his 29th participation there.

The Boxmeerdaagse takes place at Annemaries and Willems home. That is why the whole event is limited to a few runners. Still, besides the 10 runners doing all days, there are also a lot of daily runners. So finally there are about 30 runners a day.

In the beginning we planned that my wife and I will go together there. Because she had found a job in the meantime, it was not possible for her to get a vacation. So I took my motorbike and drove up myself. I had already off on Thursday and Friday, because I would like to have a relaxed driving. Besides I also wanted to do some year-around walks from the IVV. Thursday morning I left towards Greifenstein-Beilstein. I had checked out three new year-around walks over there. The first was a 10k in Greifenstein. The second one was in Braunfels and had 21k. The last one was a 13k in Herborn. So, that made together 44k. On the next day I continued to Ebernhahn. The local walking club had their event on the weekend. Because of the Boxmeerdaagse I could not take part on it. Luckily it was possible to do the course already on Friday. So I had another 50k for Friday. After I had finished it, I drove to Boxmeer.

When I arrived there, I was the third and last of the Germans. Besides us there was another runner from Greece. The rest of the runners came from Belgium or the Netherlands. At the time I arrived, Annemarie was just starting to get food. After she came back we had fries and meat balls for dinner. While we where eating, some more runners arrived. After we were sitting together and talked a bit. At about 11pm we went to bed. At that time most of the runners, doing all days, had arrived.


Report Fotos

Fotos of the day:

Report Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Television report Omroep Brabant
Television report Omroep Brabant (pdf)
Television report Omroep Brabant (video)
Television report Omroep Brabant (phone interview)
Report UltraNed

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