Reports 2015

Boxmeerdaagse - 360 km in eight days around Boxmeer, Netherlands

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01. day at 08/01/2015 from Boxmeer to Overloon to Boxmeer, (day: 42,6km)

Report Results Fotos

The breakfast started today at 7pm. More and more day runners and the rest of the stage runners arrived. The group with the slow runners started already at 8pm. The rest of us started at 9pm. Willem supported some runners with GPS-watches. Since the course was not marked, it was necessary to upload the course to the watch to be able to navigate with it. Unfortunately it is not always as easy as it should be. Especially with the Garmin Forerunner 310, the version of watch I have, made problems. I had bought it, to have a GPS for the Trans America. According to the race rules of Trans America it was demanded. At that time I did not have any problems. But the new version of Ant+ brought up some problems. After I did some online research, I found a way to hack it and made it running.

After we had started some small groups got together. With me were Jan Nabuurs, which I know already from Deutschlandlauf (Trans Germany) and Trans Europe, and Het Beest. Our course was mainly on small wood and grass paths. Therefore, it was not as easy to follow the GPS-route. The first aid station was placed after about 10km. When we arrived we had some small talk and had some cups. So the second group caught up quite fast and we left the aid station basically together. From then on Sjaak Bus joined the leading group. We went away again from the second group, until we took some time at a look-out tower. At the second aid the same story as on the first aid station repeated. After we left, the leading group, speeded up. Some kilometres later Sjaak and Jan fall behind. Just before the last aid station Het and I had to wait. We had missed our turn and the Garmin needed a very long time to relocate and update the map again. When finally the watch had updated the map Jan and Sjaak had caught up. As a result, all four of us arrived at the last aid station together. But it did not take long, imto; the previous ranking was restored. If Sjaak did not get lost again, the ranking would have been remained.

Annemarie was waiting at the finish line to record the placement and the time. After we had finished, we sit down, took something to drink and waited for the next runners. It was perfect, that everything was at Annemaries home. Therefore there was short distances to get a shower, go to have a rest on your bed or get something to eat. Well, it is correct – all the runners stayed at Annemaries home slept in a real bed. As well we enjoyed the service to get our cloth washed every day by Annemarie.

The rest of the day we had time for small talks, to get some drinks together and relaxing. At the evening, after all day runners left, we had salad with noodles and sauce for dinner. After we where sitting at the living room to talk and watch some soccer. Eventually Annemarie and Willem disbanded. Yes, that is right! They disbanded and went outside to sleep at the camper. They had given all the beds to the runners, so that they had to stay at the camper.


Report Results Fotos
Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 4:22:19
Spitael Jan 4:22:19
2 Nabuurs Jan 4:28:17

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Television report Omroep Brabant
Television report Omroep Brabant (pdf)
Television report Omroep Brabant (video)
Television report Omroep Brabant (phone interview)
Report UltraNed

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