Reports 2015

Boxmeerdaagse - 360 km in eight days around Boxmeer, Netherlands

<Pre race> <1><2><3><4><5><6><7><8>

04. day at 08/04/2015 from Bakel to Boxmeer, (day: 44km)

Report Results Fotos

Yesterday it was a fight against the heat. Today it was chilly and wet. When we got up it rained heavily and the sky was brightened by lightening. Today we also were taken out to the start point in Brakel. From there we ran back to Boxmeer. In the beginning we still ran through a landscape full of lakes. After that we continued our way in the woods. By accident Jan deleted his map from his GPS this morning. But he knew the route, because he already had tested the route before the event. We both started together. Just behind us was Sjaak. Even the rain stopped, but there were some rain drops from time to time. Besides everything was wet. Therefore, we got very wet and cold feet on the “dayle deep grass pathâ€. After about 20km was another grass passage. At that time Jan slowed down. He was afraid to bend his angle, which was already hurt. From there on I continued myself. Willem did not run today, because he had problems yesterday. So he was already was sitting at the finish. But before I finished I faced some technical problems About 5km before the finish, in the woods, my GPS did not update the map anymore. It took some minutes until it worked again and I passed that area.


Report Results Fotos
Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 4:34:40
2 Bus Sjaak 4:45:00
Nabuurs Jan 4:45:00

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Television report Omroep Brabant
Television report Omroep Brabant (pdf)
Television report Omroep Brabant (video)
Television report Omroep Brabant (phone interview)
Report UltraNed

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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - <6> - 7 - 8