Reports 2015

Boxmeerdaagse - 360 km in eight days around Boxmeer, Netherlands

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06. day at 08/06/2015 from Grubbenvorst to Boxmeer, (day: 44,5km)

Report Results Fotos

Willem already had warned me yesterday that the running today would be very slow. Today we had the day of the ferries. We had six of them and it was kind of scheduled to wait. Besides a local television broadcaster, Television Omreop Brabant ( was coming. So Willem wanted to keep the field together, it looks nicer for the television. This morning, when he gave out the tickets he told us about his plans. The television would not come to the start. But they would be at kilometer 19 at the second aid station.

At the first ferry we were all together, without Bram. It was tight for some other runners too, but they made it. At the second ferry just a hand full runners are left. Then, at the third ferry the television waited for us. Only Jan, Sjaak, Lex de Boer and I were left. The reporter, which was also from the region, mainly interviewed our local hero Jan. To make a good video we all ran with plenty of enthusiasm again to the ferry. During the take over of the ferry he took the interviews. And just after the ferry we had the next aid station. There they continued the interviewing. After we ate and drank something and the interviews had finished we continued running. But we had spoken to soon. At kilometer 35 the reporter waited again for us. It was the second to last ferry and the second to last aid station. Willem made an extra aid station because of the hot weather. When we arrived there the reporter interviewed Annemarie. We at something and waited for the next ferry. When it had arrived we had to run again to make a good show for the camera. After the ferry Jan slowed down. So I took the last ferry alone. It was tight to reach it in time but I made it by sprinting on it before it left. On the other side was the last aid station. I got some snacks and drinks before I continued. When I arrived at the finish line surprisingly the reporter was waiting again. He wanted to record the finish of Jan. Therefore he took his time and waited.

Because we ran a long time together this morning it did not take a long time until all runners had arrived. Every morning it looked like there are plenty of runners. But only eight runners, which were running all days, were left. Three runners, Heiner Schütte, Gijs Honing and Willem himself had to take a rest day after the first hot day.


Report Results Fotos
Place Name Surename Time
1 Koch Rainer 4:43:20
2 Nabuurs Jan 5:04:08
3 Vries de Bennie 5:06:25

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Television report Omroep Brabant
Television report Omroep Brabant (pdf)
Television report Omroep Brabant (video)
Television report Omroep Brabant (phone interview)
Report UltraNed

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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - <6> - 7 - 8