Reports 2016

Baltic Run - 325 km from Berlin to Karlshagen (Usedom) in 5 days, Germany

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02. stage at 07/25/2016 from Hubertusstock to Prenzlau, (day: 67km / overall.: 130km)

Report Results Fotos

Yesterday evening we had a huge buffet. Jörg had a talk and did the award ceremony before the dinner. So people had to wait. Today the placement was done by the fastest elderly. But before an award ceremony could take place it needs a race and a breakfast. The breakfast was as huge as the dinner.

At 7am the first group started. As yesterday Jörg called them – the sight seeing tour. Talking about that, I could have joined them because I had taken many pictures. But it would not help to beg for it. I have to start at 8am. Just in time also the second group started. Dirk started again also very fast. I stayed behind him, but let him go. Today we entered the area of Uckermark. A beautiful area, but with less shadow. And according to Murphys law it was more warm and there was more sun shine. At the first aid station I heard that there was already one drop off for today. So, there are already four runners less because this morning three runners did not start. After 15k I passed runners from the early starting group. Starting from there I felt like passing hundreds of runners. While to while I passed somebody. But actually there are only 48 runners. Well, and of cause Dirk. I had a good run till I reached 30k. After, my stomach started to boarder me. I was blessing in disguise. After I throw up it was more or less ok. Still I slowed down. Just before aid station VP6 I passed the leading runners from the early starting group. Then we only had 16k left. Because I walked uphill it was not possible to get away from Jörn. That is why we decided after aid station VP7 to continued together. We just had a short break at aid station VP8 when Dietmar passed us. He placed third yesterday. In the end Dirk finished one hour in front of me. If he is able to continue this level without and break-in then there will nothing stop his deserved victory.

In the evening there was a speech of the major. After, there was the award ceremony of the elderly. Tomorrow the placement will be for the juniors.


Report Results Fotos
Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Kiwus Dirk 5:03:00 1 Kiwus Dirk 9:55:39
2 Kortner Dietmar 6:00:13 2 Koch Rainer 11:07:02
3 Koch Rainer 6:03:33 3 Kornter Dietmar 11:31:42

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Live Blog of Baltic Run
List of starters
Course as GPX-Files: -Day 1- -Day 2- -Day 3- -Day 4- -Day 5-
08/10/2016 Report Saarbrückener Newspaper
Report Team Hanka (pdf)
Report Team Hanka
08/01/2016 Report at Blickpunkt - Edition Prezlau/Templin
07/24/2016 Radio cut of Inforadio
07/22/2016 Report at Focus Online
07/18/2016 Report at Dorfzeitung Reinickendorf
07/16/2016 Report at Blickpunkt - Edition Prezlau/Templin
07/14/2016 Report Märkische Allgemeine Newspaper
07/25/2016 Report Berliner Newspaper