Reports 2016

Baltic Run - 325 km from Berlin to Karlshagen (Usedom) in 5 days, Germany

<Pre race> <1><2><3><4><5>

04. stage at 07/27/2016 from Eggesin to Usedom, (day: 69km / overall.: 264km)

Report Results Fotos

Yesterday the second group was asked to take some time in the morning that there are not too many people at the breakfast room. There was limited space, but still enough. When we started it was obviously cooler than yesterday. When we started there are only 38 runners in front of us. It was obvious that the field was getting more quiet. Surely there are more reasons than today was the longest stage.

Today I passed the first runners after the first aid station VP1. When I arrived at the second aid station Dirk was standing there. When he saw me he scared and speeded away. But actually there was no reason to do that. The first kilometers of todays course was though wood areas with lillte pathes. Even we were warned yesterday some people got lost at one distinctive point. Even it was marked well so as the rest of the course. After we had ran 30k the course was getting more beautiful. It means I had some nice panorama to take photos. We were in middle of a water and reed area. Between there are areas with dead trees. Jörg told me later that this area was recultivated a few years ago. Before, it was drained to be used as farmland. Now many different birds are living over there. Just before the end of the day we passed the bridge to the island Usedom. Unfortunately the opening and closing times of the bridge had changed. While Peter could pass it just before it got closed and went up, Dirk had to wait. Just before I arrived there the bridge got opened again.

It was getting more difficult during the last 10k. There were no hills or mountains, but a lot of cobblestone pavement. Almost nobody likes that kind of pavement. I had almost arrived when some rain drops came down. The sky was covered already during the whole day. As I heard later the rain was very locally. Today the award ceremony was for the newcomers in stage running.


Report Results Fotos
Day: Overall:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Kiwus Dirk 5:53:04 1 Kiwus Dirk 21:13:09
2 Koch Rainer 6:02:25 2 Koch Rainer 22:55:54
3 Kornter Dietmar 6:40:17 3 Kortner Dietmar 24:20:15

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

Links and reports:

Homepage organisation
Live Blog of Baltic Run
List of starters
Course as GPX-Files: -Day 1- -Day 2- -Day 3- -Day 4- -Day 5-
08/10/2016 Report Saarbrückener Newspaper
Report Team Hanka (pdf)
Report Team Hanka
08/01/2016 Report at Blickpunkt - Edition Prezlau/Templin
07/24/2016 Radio cut of Inforadio
07/22/2016 Report at Focus Online
07/18/2016 Report at Dorfzeitung Reinickendorf
07/16/2016 Report at Blickpunkt - Edition Prezlau/Templin
07/14/2016 Report Märkische Allgemeine Newspaper
07/25/2016 Report Berliner Newspaper