Reports 2017

7EmiratesRun - 497 km from Abu Dhabi to Hatta in 7 days, United Arab Emirates

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02. stage at 11/19/2017 from Al Sharia Park in Al Rahba to Bab Al Shams Theatre, (day: 80km / overall.: 142km)

Report Results Fotos

During the night it was getting quiet chilly in the tents. So, people could be happy to have a good sleeping bag. Breakfast was at 5am. In compare to other stage races almost no runner showed up at that time. After about 15 Minutes one after the other arrived. Besides the breakfast there was also another briefing.

After everything was packed we could start. There was no additional team or stage runner today. Wendelin guided the whole group during the first kilometers, which also contained most of todays turns. After this few turns in the beginning, it was quiet easy to find the course. There are almost no turns anymore and the course did not go along the high way. In the beginning we went trough a so called „wooden area“. But there where almost no trees. Therefore, we could see plenty of animals. After we went through a dessert region. Here some camels showed up while to while. Unfortunately, there are also plenty of dead camel bodies laying around. Later I was told that most of the camels die of eating plastic bags. Todays finish line was at an arena, which offered truly an impressive view. After Wendelin opened the race for the day, Andrea and I went on together. After about 30 kilometers I recognized that he was getting slower. We still continued together and I pulled him till the finish line. When we had arrived we get some snacks and drinks at the galleries. There we relaxed and waited for the rest of the runners had arrived.

It took a while till it was clear where we get the dinner served. Each of us received a food parcel. Todays sleeping rooms where a bit special. Each room only had mattresses with a bed table next to it. Three of us shared one room. Todays drawback was the fact that there was only one shower. Besides the toilettes where about quiet far away from the sleeping rooms.

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

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