Reports 2017

7EmiratesRun - 497 km from Abu Dhabi to Hatta in 7 days, United Arab Emirates

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03. stage at 11/20/2017 from Bab Al Shams Theatre to DHCC, (day: 71km / overall.: 213km)

Report Results Fotos

The accommodation was definitely better than the night before, at the tents. But the breakfast was similar to the dinner. Till breakfast was served, it was not clear where, if it will be located next to the sleeping rooms or on top on the gallery. Each of us received a food parcel, similar as it was organized at the dinner. Most of the food in it was collected by the supporters to give it to us during the day.

Today we had again some daily runners and some teams. One of them was from the main sponsor Hertz. They provided the support cars. From beginning on, I was leading with the Relay-team from Germany. Nevertheless, after a while I was running alone. Everything was running smoothly, even I had some stomach problems already in the morning. After 20km I had more and more stomach problems and had to walk. Just before we reached kilometer 30 Andrea and one of the day runners Omar caught me. From now on we where continuing together. While I was pacing Andrea yesterday at the end of the stage, he paced me now. Just before we finished half of the daily course Wendelin caught us. We left the biking track, which we where following all day. Now, we had some more turns on our route. After a short time we arrived at an off road part of the course. It brought us to the city boarder of Dubai. In the beginning the off road was still a gravel path. Later we ran on pure sand. Here we also found a small goat. It was split from the rest of the group and suffering from thirst. Wendelin took care of here while we continued. Just after we entered the biking track to Dubai some more day runners caught up. Actually we did not run on the biking track, but on the walking path next to it. Here, we only can dream of such nice biking and walking paths. The ground had perfect characteristics and are lighted at night. In Dubai we bypassed the Burj Khalifas till we arrived at the Medical City. Over there, at the finish line, we waited till all other runners have arrived. Finally we went to the hotel to get a shower. The hotel was very luxury. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the buffet a dream, we figured out that it was only ten more minutes open. So we were told to take enough in advance. Shortly after we heard that we also can order something from the menu. So there was no reason to „panic“. Actually, I did not care much about it today, since my stomach was bordering and I was not hungry. Luckily, they had beer, so I can mix a coke-beer. It was very tasty and something different to the standard drinks.

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

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