Reports 2017

7EmiratesRun - 497 km from Abu Dhabi to Hatta in 7 days, United Arab Emirates

<Pre race> <1><2><3><4><5><6><7> <Post race>

04. stage at 11/21/2017 from DHCC to UAQ Marine Club, (day: 71km / overall.: 284km)

Report Results Fotos

This morning we discovered a bad breakfast. The continental-breakfast turned out to be some muffins, juice and water. After Wendelin complained they brought some bread and coffee.

Today we also had some additional runners. We started together, but they did their own 2.5k or 5k loop. It was not unusual that the start was not in time, but today was extreme. Today Wendelin, Andrea, Toni, Frankie and I started together, but very slowly. I figured out quiet fast, that the speed was still to fast for me and decided to do a relaxed day to recover. The heat dehydrated a lot and due to the stomach problems it was even worse. After 10km we finally arrived in Al Ras at the beach. Al Ras is the part of Dubai which has are most of the markets are located (gold market, seasoning market…). It was also not far away from the hotel we had before the race. Just after we arrived there, I let Andrea, Wendelin and Toni go. Also Frankie slowed down. He already was humbling the day before. At kilometer 20 Günther caught me and told me that Frankie had big issues with shin split. After Klaus caught me, I continued with him and Günther joined us. My wife and Cardin supported us. When we had passed the beach area we came back to the high way. It did not take much longer when we were told that Frankie stopped due of his problems. On the highway we did not have any turns anymore. Todays weather was a bit cooler than the previous day. Besides there are some clouds which covered the sun while to while. Andrea had a good day and finished much earlier than us.

Since Klaus and I was walking most of the time it was getting late and already dark when we arrived at the resort. Today we also had a bed. Three people shared one bungalow. After arriving at the finish line we went immediately to the rooms, because there was dinner soon. It was a la carte. Unfortunately I was still not very hungry.

Fotos of the day:

Report Results Fotos

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