Reports 2017

7EmiratesRun - 497 km from Abu Dhabi to Hatta in 7 days, United Arab Emirates

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06. stage at 11/23/2017 from QuestForAdventure Camp RAK to Fujairah Tennis & Country Club, (day: 71km / overall.: 426km)

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Starting at 5am there was breakfast. Similar as the dinner there was a huge variety end enough for everyone. While we had breakfast there was also the briefing. Today we had also an additional team and Omar, which was already joining one stage before. Frankie accompanied us by bike.

Also today Wendelin guided us for the first few kilometers. Klaus, which was accompanied by Günther was soon behind us and Andrea pushed with Omar. I ran my own speed and let them run. Today we should have some hills and a long off road part. Three support cars should take it, all other cars should take a detour. After about 20km we left the big road and we continued on a small curvy road. A few kilometers later we went offload on a gravel path. In the beginning it was besides a military training area. With the off raod also it was getting hilly. Well, if it was possible to talk about hills. I would more call it wavy, even it had while to while some steep up and downs. Wendelin and his son Christoph, which leaded the German team, were afraid that not all cars can drive this road. Since there were only a few potholes some more support cars took this path. At the second half of the day, I caught up with the team of Wendelin. They told me that Andrea and Omar are not far in front of me. I still kept my pace and continued. Not long after I passed the team there were some shops besides the road selling fruits. I took the chance and had a short stop to drink a cool coconut. After a ten minute break I continued. It did not take a long time till I caught the team again, which had passed me again when I had my break. Not long after that I saw Andrea and Omar. Andrea already continued while Omar took some more time at the support car. It seems that his hipp was bothering him again. Already a few days ago he blamed it. We had about 5 km more to go and they where 200m in front of me. I continued my speed. When Andrea had a look back to check for Omar, he saw me and immediately started to speed up. It seems he did not like to get caught by me. I let both continue, since I did not like to play such games and do sprinting. In my opinion it did not make any sense. In contrast, they are just root cause for injuries. In the end I arrived a few minutes behind them.

The finish was again at a hotel resort, but we slept at the gym. They set up some field beds, which we had before at the tents. So we had everything we needed and the showers are also warm. Even the towels are supported by the hotel. Before Klaus and Günter arrived we brought our stuff to the gym. At that time they still cleaned it. Dinner was planed to be at 7:30pm. So every one had enough time to take a shower and meet up for a drink at the bar. Till the buffet finally was ready it took of cause longer. Just before 8pm Klaus just opens it.

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