Reports 2017

Bärenfels Holy-Eve-Marathon in Neubrücke/Nahe, Germany

Just after 3am my clock rang. My wife and I stand up and left for Neubrücke/Nahe. Over there the Feller family organizes their Holy-Eve-Marathon. After a three hour drive we arrived there at 7am. I signed in and had some small talk with some friends. After we went back to the car to wait for the start. It was chilly and wet and therefore quiet unpleasant.

At 8am I went to the start

line with about 100 other runners. The course almost did not change. There where still five loops to run. Each loop had three aid stations. One of it was passed twice. Just the turning point was changed this year. It was moved to the field next by, so there it was less crowdy. This was mainly caused by the short distance runners. They started later and we met them at the return of our third loop. Us means Markus and me. We ran together since the beginning and paced each other. The first places are already set in the beginning. Markus and I only where passed at the end of the first loop. We almost caught up with one of them in the end of the race.

We did not stay a long time after the race. I wanted to have a quick shower since it was cold. Besides, we had to go home since we had guests for dinner. That is why we did not wait for the award ceremony at the cinema. We went to the showers, five kilometers away, and after immediately home.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Wurdel Stefan 02:55:08 1 Kammerer Jessica 03:21:00
2 Wagner Matthias 02:58:29 2 Seidel Renate 03:43:21
3 Löschengruber Sven 03:12:08 3 Hilmes Birthe 03:44:16
6 Koch Rainer 03:20:35 6

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