Reports 2019

German Champion Ship 6h in Mörfelden-Walldorf, Germany

Four of us went on Sunday morning towards Mörfelden. Walter and Lutz drove directly from Marktheidenfeld. I picked up Georg in Würzburg and we drove separately. The start of the 6h German Championship was not before 10am, so we had plenty of time. When we had arrived, we signed in, had a cup of coffee, and talked a bit with some friends.

Just before 10am we went towards the starting line. It was quiet chilly outside. That is why I did not want to say outside longer than necessary. First the organizer, then Michael Sommers which was the representative for the DLV had some welcome words. After there was the start. Starting at the stadium we went out on a small path into the woods. There we ran a loop and came back on the path to the stadium. After we had a loop in the stadium the 2,5km loop was done. In the end of the loop there was the aid station. It had three areas. One part with some snacks, one with the own drinks of the runners, and one with the drinks. There was a huge variety, but a warm tea would be nice to have.

Just after the start the leading group went away. Their speed was going to be a 80+. I had planed to run between 72 and 78km. During the first three hours I was on a good way to reach this goal. We had almost half time, when I need to go to the toilette. After I just was out of energy. I took out speed. And I was not the only one. Also at the leading group there was always changes. Only the leading woman ran like a clock for her champion ship title. To measure the meters of the last unfinished loop, each runner gets a small balloon filled with sand. On it was the start number of the runner. This was left from the runner on the position after 6 hours. Unfortunately, the synchronizing of the end signal need to be adapted. It was bearable with delay outside the stadium.

After the race Georg and I left immediately while Walter and Lutz stayed longer.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Wegener Gerrit 82,630 1 Gölz Susanne 75,438
2 Ohler Michael 82,335 2 Jezek Julia 72,521
3 Lux Christoph 81,048 3 Schadewell Andrea 72,409
34 Koch Rainer 67,617

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