Reports 2004


6 hour race at Nürnberg, Deutschland


Saturday morning at 9am, the organisation was still making preperations for the race. All runners, which arrived at the day before, got the possibility to sleep at the gymnasium.

The traditional 6 hour race started at 10 o'clock. The start was like every year at the Wörder Wiese (Park). It was a 1,523km course around the park.
The weather was nearly optimal. It was cloudy and a little bit windy, but it has around 5-10C. Thomas Miksch was at the first place, out of 140 starters, from beginning on. He hold this place till the end and won with 81,383km. Robert Wimmer and I was at the second place. Robert got out after 28,677km. So I was on second place with 77,866km. At the third place was Rüdiger Dittmann with 72,565km. The first woman was Elke Hiebl with 70,581km. Second was Anni Frotsching with 69,935km and third was Martina Juda with 66,275km.

The celebrations was at the gymnasium, which was 400m away from the start. Before there was some pasta and some drinks. More information at the homepage of the organiser!


Report and photos from the organiser