Reports 2005


German, South German and Bavarian championchip 100km at Leipzig, Germany

At Friday evening around 6pm we arrived at the camping area at the Auensee. Because we preferred to have a quiet night, we were renting a few apartments. As we regorgnised later there was a second advantage of this – our accommodation was safe. Because there was a German, south German and Bavarian championship, there were many runners which like to sleep at the sports hall. The effect, the sports hall was extremely overstocked. After we moved into our apartments, went to get our starting numbers nothing could stop us to follow our deepest wish – Pastaparty! Really nothing? Well, not acetyl. At the exit of the tent, which was build up this year first time, was a small poll about professional sport. So we ca not just pass. We have to express our opinion. After this we went to the sports bar. Just when we entered the bar, we stand in the line. But the line was not as long as we thought. But there was a problem to find a sitting place. As already mentioned there where much more participants this year. Therefore there were many people, which have the same wish - eating! God thanks there were a free table after we received your meal. After we braced our self we went back to our apartments. Go to bed – now? It was just 7.15 pm. No! So we came to the conclusion to meet at one of the apartments to have a drink. But first we had to do some preparations for the race. Around 10:30 pm all of us went to bed, because we had to get up early.

            Without two late risers we got up at 4:30 am, to have breakfast. Udo and I went to the sports pub. There we had breakfast organised by the organisation. And again stand in line. After we had our breakfast we went back to the apartment. Some last preparations. The start was at 6 am at the running track at the sport area. There where only one small change against last year. Not at the course, it was the Auensee railroad. It does not drive this year. I do not know, if it was because of the race. But it was very relaxing. I have not got any problems with the railroad crossing up till now. But I do not like to get in this situation, too. The weather was not as good, as the last two times. It was quiet cool. It was around 64 F (18°C) and cloudy. Sometimes it was raining shortly.

More interesting was the progress of the race. Even if the elite runners (Hooß, Miksch, Beckers, König, Sengenberger…) was not running it was a very interesting race. This was not related Michael Sommers, which was leading of begin on. In the end he won sovereign. But the places behind him changed a few times. At the beginning I was behind the elite, but after 30km I passed one after the other. I minimised the time between Michael Sommers and me under 2 Minutes. But after 70km I was loosing it just as fast. The distance to the runners I passed, was rising all the time. In the end I finished second with a surprising good time.













Sommer Michael 6:58:05


Hildebrand Carmen 8:19:25


Koch Rainer 7:05:24


Schlegel Ilona 8:45:21


Lorwin Erhold 7:15:00


Austermann Barbara 8:52:18

Gallerie of pictures <1> <2>

Homepage of the organisation

Results Bavarian championship

Results South German championship

Newspaper report Mainpost

DUV report

Report Spiridon

Photos of the organisation