Reports 2007


63,3km Röntgenlauf German championship in cross- and countryrunning in Remscheid, Germany

Not only because of the meeting of the DUV with the tribunes for the year, most of the runners arrived on Saturday. Also because of the long distance it made sense to arrive a day before the race. On the phone we were told there was only room for 36 people in the dormitory hall. Once there, it came out that there was room for many more people.

Half of the runners of the LG Würzburg arrived in time for the meeting. When Christoph, Didi and I arrived in the late afternoon, we first got our starting documents. Because of the large amount of different distances, there were a lot of people. Also at the hall of activity it looked more like a city marathon event than an Ultra. After we had dinner, we waited for our colleges. Thereafter, we left the hall speedy, because they already cleaned up.

Because of the change to wintertime we had one hour more to sleep. Not really necessary, because the start was late anyway. At 8:30am the Half-Marathon, the Marathon and the Ultra started. About every five kilometer an aid station was placed. After 21km there was also coca, besides tee, Gatorade and water. There were banana pieces and power bars to eat. Along the whole course there were spectators. That gave the feeling of being at a city marathon. Definitely not usual for ultra runners, to see so many people beside the course. The course itself was a steady up and down. But not as hard as was shown in the papers. We ran most of the time on large paths in the woods or street. We were lucky with the weather. Even though it was chilly at 10°C, it was not windy or rainy.

Comfortable was the early award ceremony. They did not wait, until all the runners finished. Because of that we did not have to wait as long. In short words it was a nice event, even though it was a very pompous wounded event.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Velten Sascha 4:23:06 1 Kresse Nicole 5:17:32
2 Koch Rainer 4:34:00 2 Raabe Inge 5:39:20
3 Hesse Jörn 4:46:47 3 Mertens Corinna 5:44:17

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Report of the DUV 04/07