Reports 2008

Marathon in Enschede, Netherlands

Enschede, the oldest Marathon of Europe had its 40th event this year. Because of friends I had an invitation. Saturday I met them. For making the driving more “cost effective” my parents and I took part at an IVV-marathon (walking marathon) on Saturday. There I met my friend, Ivana, and we drove to her brother`s house. There I slept.

Sunday morning we drove from Appeldorn to Enschede. The marathon start was at 11am. Half-marathon started at 12:45pm, where Ivana`s husband, Thomas took part. About 20 Kenyans started at the marathon and took place at the leading group. What a surprise?! Because there were many retour parts, we were able to see the leading group two times. When they met us the first time some of them fell down. Three or four stumbled over each other. The first woman ran in my group. As I heard, she was planning to run about 2:40. After about the first eight kilometres, I was starting to speed away. Quite early it was obvious that there would not be a lot of top times. Not only head wind, but more over the sun and the heat were the reasons. It was the first weekend which was very nice and hot. So most of the runners were not prepared, so was I. The organization was prepared and had aid stations at about every 3km. There the runners could take isotonic drinks, water, water sponges and sometimes banana pieces. Even I was moving quiet well and always passed other runners, also I left a lot of time at the second half. In the end it was enough to run at least under three hours.

Arriving at the finish there was ice and water for the runners. Also they received their finisher-shirt, their medal and a drinking bottle. The start- and finishing area was placed at the market place (city center). Under it was a big parking area, so it was close from there to the car. In the parking area was a massaging and clothing area. Sadly there were no showers or they were hard to find. From there I went with my parents back home. They had finished another walking event close to Enschede.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Toek Silas 2:10:40 1 Nkambi Polly 3:12:41
2 Kibet Sammy 2:11:49 2 Davina Klara 3:17:31
3 Nekatibebe Teleste 2:12:00 3 Guzman Sanabria Gabriela 3:22:09
30 Koch Rainer 2:58:06

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