Reports 2011

German chapmionship 100km in Jüterbog, Germany

Last year there was no official 100km German championship. In this year it was planed short term. Just at February it came out, that there will be the 100km German champion ship at Jüterbog. It is about 70km south of Berlin. People coming from the south of the west have a long way to get there. Most of the runners had to arrive already on Friday.

Only a few days before the race Florian Reus told us that he can not start. All of us had to finish to holding up our team. On Friday afternoon Walter Zimmerman picked me up at the train station. We drove together to Jüterbog. Christoph Hoffman drove himself, because he had to get back quickly. Florian, Walter an me had planed to go to the Tropical Island after the race. It is an adventure Bath next to Jüterbog. So it was a good way to recover from the stress and strains of the race.

Just after 6pm we arrived at the guest house was already there and had organised everything. We went immediately to the race area. We picked up our starting papers. It showed up that there had been already a problem. The information from the registration concerning the pasta party where not transferred to the organisation. So they cancelled it. But people could post enter for the breakfast. After we finished the paper work we went shortest way towards dinner. At the pizzaria we met some more friends. After we ate good and had talked a bit we went to our accommodation and into our beds.

At the following morning at 5:30am we went again to the race area. There we had breakfast. At 7am there was the start for about 60 runners. There where not many people taking part at the champion ship, maybe because of the circumstances (late announcement, location).

After an entry loop we went out for nine loops at the skater track. So there was for sure a good underground. Also the course was quiet flat. There where three aid stations. One aid station at the start and finish area, another one after about 3,3km and one at 6,6km. Actually that is not bad, but still there was one little problem. Maybe the supporter thought that we do not need any drinks during the first loop. So they just stand there and clapped their hands instead of offering something to drink. Well, at least something. Beginning with the second loop there was just water at the start and finish area and water, tea, coke, some snacks and bananas at the other aid stations. Also it was possible to put your own stuff at any aid stations. Some runners asked for. Otherwise it would be just at the start and finish area.

After the start one of the runners placed away, followed by two groups. After the first loop Michael Sommers started to run away from us (the first following group). Even he blamed about some injury, most of us knew that he will get his ninth title. And it was like that. Because of the strong wind a lot of runners had a break in. Also many had problems with their stomach. In the end many had dropped out. Because of the high drop out some teams busted and we can get second place.

The award ceremony was placed at 8:30pm. At 5pm they started drop by drop the distinction. First they did the top three men, about an hour later the top three women. In my opinion it was not really a dignified ceremony. All together the event was ok. It will be easier to run the loop reverse direction. Then most of the wind would be from back. But you can`t have everything. Just past 8pm most of the runners went towards home and we towards the bath.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Sommer Michael 7:36:43 1 Veith Pamela 8:13:14
2 Leu Oliver 7:35:21 2 Krausse Antje 8:22:05
3 Haßlinger Johannes 7:38:06 3 Heinlein Marika 9:29:21
12 Koch Rainer 7:50:11

Results of the organisation
Report of Laufticker 05/02/2011
Report of DLV 05/02/2011
Report of DUV 05/05/2011
Report of DUV edition 02/2011
Report LG Würzburg