Reports 2012

100km night of Ulm in Blaustein, Germany

Friday I finished work at noon. I was picked up at the train station at Buchbrunn/Mainstockheim. We continued to Blaustein. At the gym of Blaustein the race numbers for the night of Ulm were given out. The start was located at the stadium just next to the gym. When we arrived, they were still building up everything. So first we made a tour through the city. Just before 6 pm the numbers were given out. Already most of the walkers and some runners had arrived. The walkers started at 7 pm and had a guide for the first 20 km. We, the runners, started four hours later. At 6 pm the pasta party opened. It was already late for walkers. Even then it was possible for them to eat, if they ate fast.

At the beginning Achim Zimmermann, Florian Böhme and me ran together. Because in my opinion the speed was too fast I slowed down after some miles. But that means nothing. Also at Bödefeld I was running behind the top runners in the beginning. During the first 40 k it was steadily up and down. Actually the terrain was perfect for me, but after 10 k my stomach got crazy. It seemed I ate something before the race, which my stomach could not provide. Also the first two aid stations had a distance of 10 k to get there. Luckily I saw it before the start and carried some drink with me. Later it was 5 k to go for the next checkpoint. At some aid stations they only provided water. On the other aid stations they had a huge variety of drinks and snacks. The course was more flat after we had finished the first 40 k. Luckily it was not for a long time. The last 40 k was again hillier. I was a bit surprised, because almost nobody passed me during the first 50 k. Just a few relay runners or 50 k runners passed me. Not long time after I passed the stadium, which was at 50 k, I passed my parents. It took another 20 k until I caught up with all walkers. After 80 k I started to enjoy the terrain again, because my stomach got better. I speeded up and caught up with some runners. Most of them are relay runners which had passed me before. I met Florian at 92 k. We had some fun talk depending of the coffee after and who is ready one for whom. After the small talk I continued. But not just I did! Also Florian caught some new energy and started to run again. So he only finished four minutes behind me. Not 30 minutes as broadcasted from him. Also I had partly calculated with a finishing time of 10 hours, it was not over nine hours.

At the finish we had a rich breakfast. I was still handicapped because of my stomach, but still I had a good one. Maybe it would be better to bring some of the things to the water stations. But that is a point to discuss on. Today it took a long time until I went from the finish line towards the showers. After showering I had to get back again to the award ceremony. Following we used our coupon and went to the swimming bath. Every runner received one coupon. In the early afternoon my parents arrived. But it took much longer until we left Ulm towards home.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Zimmermann Achim 07:47:41 1 Konold Silke 09:16:15
2 Kiebler Jürgen 08:25:25 2 Bühne Tabitha 09:47:47
3 Würtz Karlheinz 08:25:25 3 Schadewell Andrea 10:17:19
5 Koch Rainer 08:47:38

Results of the organisation
Nivillation and Course
Homepage of the organisation
Report of the SWP - Südwestpresse
Video of the organisation
DVV Kurier magazine report