Reports 2013

German chapmionship 100km in Kienbaum, Germany

2:30pm we planned to leave again to Kienbaum. But instead of leaving people had to wait. It was getting 3pm, than 4pm and the time passed furthermore. Siegbert already told us before that he might be late because of work. But it was not him we all waited for. I myself was coming late. At 5:30pm we finally left. Luckily the highways were empty, so we arrived at Hotel Seegarten about 10:30pm. Our chief Christoph had signed us in very late, so all beds at the top athletes coaching centre were already booked out. We had to take a hotel close to the start. We had just arrived when we met Alex Martin and Kay Luthardt. 500km away from home and the first people we see are from Franconia. Both just came back from dinner. We had to sign in and bring our luggage to the room before we went for dinner. The next day we had to leave at 5am, because at 6:30am the start was scheduled for the German championship on 100km. Before the start we wanted to have some breakfast and had to pick up our running bibs.

We did not expect to get a parking slot next to the aid station when we arrived just past 5am. The parking slot was in such an optimal place that we could leave without crossing the running course. This was not standard, because the course was on the main path through the area. This path was also used by the cars. As well the runners passed both entries. But as ultra runners we are used to oncoming cars on the course. So it was just “nice to have” to park in such a good position. We had enough time to talk with friends while we had breakfast. We prepared everything, so my wife Grace could support us. Then we went to the start location.

The start was at 6:30am. The 50km runners and the relays started with us. So we had to be careful not to follow the wrong runners in the beginning. It was hard to identify runners from the other disciplines. The first six of 20 loops I ran together with Florian. Then he sped up, because he only did the 50km. He was just doing a training run for the upcoming 24-hour-world championship. Up until then everything was fine and easy for me. I was getting the opinion that I had recovered very well from my cold and the resulting training deficit. Slowly some cold wind came up, but compared to the pass month it was still very beautiful weather. But all that will change. It did not take a long time after Florian went away, when I was out of energy. I recognised that I did not recover as well as I thought from the cold two weeks ago. But there was no way to stop. Otherwise our team would be broke off. There were only five teams, so it was important to finish with the team. Only by finishing there was already a good chance to get a medal. And I had plenty of time to finish. So what will be best to get back into the race? Right – some cold slight rain and stronger wind! Even it seemed to be a very beautiful spring day it changed. Clouds came up, the wind got stronger and from time to time there were some showers. I was not the only one with problems. Many others stopped as well Jörg and Tanja Hooß. Bit by bit I built myself again and collected new power. It seemed to work out very well until kilometre 75. Then I was told that I still had to do six loops each 5 k. In addition I heard the previous loop that Ralf Weiß as well as me were told that we had 70 k. Well, looks like I counted wrong. Besides, Ralf told me that there have been some errors by the counting before. Of course that was not very pushing. Since then every loop I was told my resulting loops. Eventually I came to my second to last loop. At the aid station there was no coke left. Luckily we had more than enough at our car. So I told my wife to get it for the next loop. Then I continued. Well, after finishing “second to last loop” there will be the – “finish”!

When I finished the second to last loop my chip peeped and signalized, that I had done 20 loops. Hmmm, in seemed I was right, when I finished my 70 k and did not count wrong. If I knew it before I would not have let some other runners pass me in my last loop and ran faster. But “if” and “then” does not matter anymore. My time was fixed and basically it would not change a lot anyway. Having one place better or worse or having five minutes less or more does not matter at all anymore. When I arrived at the finish Georg came over. He was very happy that he finished his first 100 k. Even then he was not satisfied with his time, as usual for him, he was still happy being placed in front of me.

After I finished the race I went quickly to shower. Luckily the showers were still hot. Fresh and clean I met the others at coffee and cake. We did not stay for a long time. The award ceremony was scheduled at 8pm. Georg, Siegbert, Grace and I had planned to drive home immediately. Florian and Nicole had planned to go to the Tropical Island swimming pool. Finally we changed our plans and joined them. Now we had enough time to relax and talk on the beach at tropical temperatures until Sunday afternoon. Sunday we had a huge lunch buffet. After that we drove home.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Collet Andre 6:56:22 1 Veith Pamela 8:10:53
2 Heiner Hans-Jörg 6:59:42 2 Hajek Branka 8:25:41
3 Sommer Michael 7:08:17 3 Mallmann Barbara 8:36:10
26 Koch Rainer 8:57:56 26

Report Harri Schlegel
Results of the organisation