Reports 2016

German chapmionship 100km in Leipzig, Germany

Friday at noon, after my wife finished work she picked up Georg Braungart in Würzburg. After they continued to our home and picked me up. After that we went towards Leipzig. There was almost no traffic that is why we arrived there before 6pm. We picked up our start numbers and went to the pasta party. But we did not stay long, since the start was already at 6am. Georg slept at the gym while we slept at the car. It was surely more quiet.

The breakfast started at 4:30am for runners. Supporters had to wait till the runners had started. I have not been in Leipzig since 2010 but the course remained the same. There was a long way to the Auensee which we also ran back after we ran around the lake. It was a 10 km loop and we had to run it ten times. Because there are so many starters they relocated the start from the sport area out to the road. After we had started some of the runners speeded away. I had planed to start slowly which worked out quiet well. I was a little bit faster than I had planed but it was not too bad. After I had ran the first three kilometres I caught up with Sören Schramm and Bernhard Munz. We talked a little bit and continued together. When we started for the second loop Sören was speeding up. We let him run away and kept our speed. The nice thing at the course is that it is easy to keep an overview who is in front and behind of you. After we had ran 50km I had some stitch and had to slow down for a while. It was only for a few meters but I had to let Bernhard run. It was going well for me till I started for my eighth loop. Maybe my body did not agree with the water when I cooled down myself or the tea. Both I could not imagine. Nevertheless, I had to go to toilette every 1-2 kilometre. It took an enormous amount of time. It remained like that till I almost finished 90 kilometres. After that it was ok. Even then, I did not have any effort left to speed up. I never had in mind to stop the race but I also knew that my placement would be horrible. Besides we did not have any team for which I need to run a good time.

After I had finished I went to shower. Then we waited for Georg. He was not far behind of me. After also he had a shower and ate something we drove home. I had planed to run an IVV-Marathon in Crailsheim on Sunday. After we continued for our “running”-vacation in Italy.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Collet Andr 6:55:27 1 Alder-Baerens Nele 7:29:04
2 Sommer Michael 7:15:54 2 Hajek Branka 8:15:30
3 Dautel Alexander 7:16:58 3 Zuznkov Tereza 8:18:36
25 Koch Rainer 9:06:08 25

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