Reports 2018

100km German Champion Ship in Rheine, Germany

Georg, Walter, my wife and I met up in Würzburg on Friday afternoon at 3pm. Together we continued to Rheine, which was 450k away, to take part at the 31st edition of the 100k German Championship. In contrast to Georg and me Walter only had planed to take part at the 6h race. This was because he would not reach the time limit due to his lack in training. We had a good jurney. Therefore we decided to pick up our start bids before going to the hotel. The hotel was in Bad Bentheim about 15k away from Rheine. The race was located on the military base. That is why we had to check in with our passports before we could get our start bids. Since it was already past 8pm there where almost no other runners anymore. Nevertheless, we still met some old friends. Having our start bids we continiued to the Hotel. Over there we checked in, brought our luggage to the rooms and went for dinner. At 10pm we layed down for sleeping, since Georg and I had to get up early.

The start for the 100k was at 6am. At this early time there was no breakfast ready at the Hotel. Hence, we left earlier to have something in Rheine. The canteen served a good breakfast with plenty of things for only 2,60€. The race started with a little delay. We had to run 20 loops of each 5k. My wife waited till I finished the first loop and then went back to the hotel. She and Walter where going to have a breakfast there, since Walter had his start at noon. When we started it was still dark, but we did not require any lights. On the one hand there was plenty of light of the street lamps and the light markings of the landing strip. On the other hand there are plenty of light sticks to mark our turns and dangerous spots. In the beginning the course leaded us through the base and then around the military airport. There was an aid station at half way and at the start-/finish-area. Both are located in an hanger. Hence, supporter and speculators can stay at sheltered areas. Nevertheless, it have to be mentioned that we are lucky concerning the weather. Last week it was frozen and now we had mild temperatures of 10°C. In the beginning there was still some light rain but it stopped soon. At the afternoon the sun broke through. Even we had good weather conditions and the course was easy and flat there are plenty of DNFs. Maybe it was due to the early time of the year. At the beginning of my second loop I caught up Georg and Branka. I had planed to start slowly since I did not run many training kilometers yet. We ran a few loops together before Georg slowed down. About half way of the race Branka had some problems and drooped out of the race. I was surprised how good it was going for myself. But after I had done 60k I can feel that my energy was done. I just did not have enough endurance yet. So I could also not make the sub 9h which I had planed to run. During the race we did not recognize much from the leading runners Alex and Nele. Only when they overlapped us, we saw them.

After I finished the race I waited for Georg. He finished shortly after me, but as usual was very disappointed about his time. After we both had ate something we went to the showers. They are located on the other side of the base. Then we waited for Walter. He had to run till 6pm. He ate something after, refreshed himself and then we went home. It was a few hours to drive and we did not arrive before midnight.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Dautel Alexander 7:01:04 1 Alder-Baerens Nele 7:33:14
2 Wegener Gerrit 7:03:56 2 Kraus Susanne 7:59:11
3 Lux Christoph 7:33:16 3 Libuda Anke 8:43:37
31 Koch Rainer 9:12:41

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