Reports 2019

German Champion Ship Ultratril at the 78km Keufelskopf in Reichweiler, Germany

On Friday afternoon my wife and I went together towards Reichweiler. The other ones – Georg, Walter, and Marko – drove separately. We arrived after a three hour drive at the official parking place, which was located a bit apart of the event place. Just after I had signed in the other ones arrived. As soon as they had finished their paper work and had prepared their sleeping areas, we went to the noodle party. There was food and plenty of running mates.

At the next morning breakfast was available after 5:30am. Then the last preparations need to be done before can go to the official briefing just before 7am. It was hold at the start line, so that we just had to wait for the start after it had finished. We had the start together with the 44km-runners. The course was set up with plenty of loops, including five aid stations. The stations provided only water, but it was possible to place your own drop bags. Nevertheless, each runner had to carry some stuff himself, depending on the length of the course. For us it was 1.5l drinking, a cup, some food, a rubbish bag, a first-aid-kit, a mobile, and the ID-card.

Even there was a long talk we started in time. First, we had to run a loop of about 20k, then we bypassed the start area again and went out for the second big loop. The first of five aid stations was also located next to the start area. I did not stay long. I just had a drink to save the drinks I am carrying for parts between the aid stations. Doing so, it was more than enough and I do not have to do any refilling. The course was very diversified. Sometimes on open fields, but also in small curvy trails. And of cause it was always an up and down. Well, somehow had to get the altitudes.

Something I did not like so much are the loops we are doing. Especially, at the beginning there are a few back and forward parts and points we had to pass twice. Also in the end of the race, when we already arrived at the beginning of the village – we had to do another big loop around three quarter of the village.

I was quiet quick. Starting from the end of the first loop, after we had bypassed the start again, I was collecting one after the other runner. Unfortunately, most of them where on the short distance. In the end I also recognized my lack in endurance. Even then, I managed to be under the first 15 finishers. After I had arrived, I get some food. After I went for shower. They are located next to the sport area, which was at the valley, at the other side of the village. After I finished, my wife and I left immediately since I want to do another IVV-Marathon in Thuringia on the next day. Unfortunately, that was on the other side of Germany.

Men: Women:
Place Name Surename Time Place Name Surename Time
1 Collet Andre 7:16_29 1 Winkelblech Pia 8:37:15
2 Kirschbaum Max 7:24:22 2 Müller Annette 9:07:33
3 Ahlburg Martin 7:26:09 3 Veith Pamela 9:11:48
34 Koch Rainer 8:42:19

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