Reports 2004


100km German Championchip at Kienbaum, Germany

Because of the location, the most of the runners was arraiving the day before the race, on Friday the 03.26.2004. So they had also the chance to take part at the pastaparty. After this there was a TV evening with movies of previous events at Kienbaum. The start was at the BLZ (Federal Sport centre) and the most athleats take the chance to go home. Because of this it was possible to rent a room. At Saturday morning between 4 and 6am was a big breakfast.

At 6 o`clock 145 runners started at the 18. German Champion Chip at 100km. Because of the cool weather, 23-41F [(-5)-(+5)°C] only a few people ran in short clothes. During the day the sun came out only for a short periode of time. After this it was cloudy and chilly again. There was although some wind, but it wasn`t bad. Because the most of the course was protected by trees. Dr. Thomas Miksch and Michael Sommer was leading from beginning on. After them there was some smaller groups. The most of the 5km loop, wich has the form of an eight, was on asphalt. Only a small part of 200m was offroad. Michael Sommer won after 6:59:23, second was Jörg Hooß (7:16:45) and third Dr. Thomas Miksch (7:33:51). I was fifth with 7:37:00. The first woman was Maggiolini Reymonenq with 7:54:53, second Tanja Hooß (7:57:52) and third Birgit Schönherr-Hölscher (8:03:49). In the end 104 men and 27 women finished the 100km course. 18 of them in less than 8 hours and another 75 in less than 10 hours. Also the field was quiet fast there was a lot of people which DNFed (Do Not Finish). Maybe, because there was a lot of people with stormage problems. Or because they cooled out quiet fast at the low temperatures. In the end 131 finished. A big suppries was, that Helga Backhaus was at the start line. She was running her first 100km race after a long periode illness.

At 4pm was the celebrations for the first 8 men and women. The celebrations at the age groups was in the evening at 8pm. But first, at 6pm, there was dinner. After the celebrations there was a tombola with a lot of awards. More information at the homepage of the organisation.



Reports at the homepage of the DUV

Reports DUV journal 02/2004 and 03/2004