Reports 2006


Washington Birthday Marathon in Greenbelt, Maryland USA (02/19/2006)

Cause of the Presidents day on Monday, there was the 45th edition of the Washington Birthday Marathon in Greenbelt. For all who thinks, that it is one of the big Marathons like Boston, Washington or even New York - you are wrong! It was one a small event with approximately 300 runners. There where also teams at the Half marathon and Marathon course. The start was next to the Youth Center. After two miles we had a one mile  we had a one mile retour part. Then we entered a seven mile loop, which has to be done three times. Before running the 2 miles back to the finish. The course where always a slight up and down hill, which brought variety. The first half of the loop was protected from wind. At the second half there was a cold wind. So you never know, if you need a jacket or not.

Even I didn't run a lot during the last weeks, I'd like to run under three hours. At the small retour part I saw some team runners and a single runner in front of me. At that time I was running together with two other Marathon runners. At half of the first loop our trio split. One of them slowed down and the other one speeded up. I decided to run my by myself and let him go. At half of the second loop there was another single runner, which passed me. I speeded up a bit, but still let him pass. A few minutes later I can not see the runner from the first loop anymore. Up ill this point he was always just a few yard in front of me. I was a bit surprised, then I guessed he was going to the bushes. I recognized at approximately half of the third loop, that the distance between me and the runner from the second loop started to reduce. At a short look back I saw the runner from the first loop approximately 600 yards behind me. I decided to keep the speed. At the end of the third loop I passed the runner, which passed me at the second loop. I counted on a second place when I arrived at the finishing line. I was surprised, when I was welcomed as the winner. Shortly after the runner from the first loop, followed by the runner from the second loop finished. 

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Koch Rainer 2:57:57 1 Six Morrissey Sarah 3:28:33
2 Anderson John 2:58:54 2 Lori Isenhower Keelin 3:32:30
3 Chasen Paul 2:59:17 3 Shull Caro 3:43:21

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