Reports 2008

100km World Cup and European championship in Tarquinia, Italy

Thursday in the morning I started by train towards Baden-Baden airport. There I met with the rest of the German national team in the early afternoon. Shortly before 4pm we left by plane towards Rom/Ciampino. There we had to wait for two hours until our shuttle bus brought us to Lido di Tarquinia. During the summer time everybody would be envying us. We only had to cross the street and we were standing at the beach. AS it came out it was not the best place to stay in November. When we arrived at 9:30pm at the hotel we took our stuff to the rooms. After that we met in the lunch room to have dinner. After having a meager runners meal, the first day was almost gone.

Friday morning was available for everyone himself. After a simple breakfast I took the bus towards Tarquinia, which was five kilometres away. Tarquinia is well known for the etruscian tombs. After visiting the graves and the museum, I did some shopping. Before I went back to the hotel, I went for lunch. V.Mühl and J.Kümpel had to go to the meeting of the IAU. About 3pm the national team and his crew was picked up by a shuttle bus at the hotel. We were brought to Tarquinia. At 5:30pm there was a flag parade, which we took part in. About 6:30pm the parade was finished. Because the pasta party should be at 7pm and preparations started at the end of the parade, some of us decided to go to a restaurant. Some of them went to the pasta party after the restaurant as well and then took the shuttle bus back to the hotel. After everyone was back we had our team meeting at about 10pm in the lunch room. Some of the supporters had checked out the course during the morning. They had worked out a plan how to coach and how manage the positioning of the supporters at the check points. About one hour later this day was gone.

At the day of the race we were picked up at 8am to get a shuttle bus to the start in Tuscania. Because of this we had to get up early. The start of the 100km world cup, the European championship and the open race was at 10am. As the speaker said there were about 230 runners at the world championship and the European championship and about 300 at the open race. The first 30km to Tarquinia were light up and down. In front of Tarquinia there were 4,5 loops to run. Then the last 3km uphill to the finish at the gate to Tarquinia. I do not know if it was because of the course or the hot weather, but the sound of the siren was almost always present. Compared to Germany it was about 20°C with a light breeze in Italy. The breeze was blowing frontal until we reached Tarquinia. Because the starting time was so late a lot of the runners finished in the dark. It was getting dark at about 5:30pm. But the organisation was prepared for that. In spaces of about 20m they placed big candles at the whole loop. They spended a romantic atmosphere. Also they gave headlights to every runner. Actually the headlights were not necessary, because the candles and the moonlight where bright enough. After the race there was time to take the shuttle bus towards the showers, which placed about 500m away. Showered we went back to the finishing area. We waited until about 8pm, when there was the award ceremony for the winners. There was an aid station placed at the finishing area, so the runners were able to eat and drink there. At about 10pm we were back at the hotel. There we met for a team meeting. It was a bit shorter than the preliminary meeting.

At the next morning there should be breakfast at 7am, because the shuttle bus to the airport was planed for 9am. When we arrived at the breakfast room there was nothing and nobody. As we heard the hostess had problems with her car. So she arrived at 7:30am. At that time some of us already had a coffee at a local bar. But it confirmed that it was the wrong time to stay at this place. Most of the bars were closed. Arrived at the airport we had to wait again, because our flight left at 2pm.

In total a nice experience, especially because it was not a normal event to start for the national team. But it is also annoying, if the result is not as it should be. Also it is a bit disappointing, if there are so many things not well organized backup plans. But maybe it is just as running, not always perfect and without problems.

Men:   Women:
Place Name Surname Time Place Name Surname Time
1 Calcaterra Giorgio 6:26:08 1 Zhirkova Tatyana 7:11:01
Janicki Jaroslav 56:26:39 2 Semick Kami 7:19:51
3 Jimenez Miguel Angel 6:40:28 3 Carlin Monica 7:22:28
59 Rainer Koch 8:21:46

Results of the organisation
Report at the DLV-homepage
Report at the IAAF-homepage
Report at Podisti (Runners magazin - Italy)
Homepage of the organisation