Reports 2022

TransEspana - 1020 km from Urdos/France to Malaga/Spain in 18 days, Spain

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01. day at 04/24/2022 from Urdos/France to Jaca/Spain, (day: 45,3km / overall: 45,3km)

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Today's start was only at 10am. The breakfast was served between 7:30am and 10am at the hotel. So there was enough time to do the final preparations. As broadcast the weather was not so good. While to while there where some slight rain showers.

Exactly at 10am finally there was the start. First a small loop though the village, to get the 45km for an Ultra, then we followed N330 till Jaca. For the first 15km it was only uphill till the Samport pass. There was also the boarder between France and Spain and the first aid station. There where only three aid stations today. From beginning on Rémi speeded away. René and I followed him. After about 7km, just at the splitting to the tunnel, René passed us and leaded till the end. I followed Rémi and passed him shortly after the top of the hill. The course was always besides some nice little streams and canyons. But the first thing we saw, when we entered Spain, was snow and this at „the country of sun“. Luckily the weather got better and better as closer we got to Jaca.

About at half way we passed the valley of Aragon, for those who think that some Hobbits or even Orks will bypass, I have to disappoint you. But I slowly caught up with René, unfortunately I let him go later and also Rémi passed me just before the end. Nevertheless, I was quiet satisfied. Since I did not do any long distances or hills for a long time, due to the corona pandemic, the day was running quiet good. Just after me Stéphane, also an old friend from Trans Europe, arrived. Then it took quiet some time. At the finish we first had some Tortilla and a coke. After we went to the youth hostel to get a shower.


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